Chapter Six. Shut up

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Chelsea PICTURE --> Comment and Vote if you want me to keep going. 


Chapter Six.

I should have known that as good as things were last night, they’d be so much worse the next day. I woke up and walked into the school the same as every other day. The thing was though, I wasn’t looking for girls. I was looking for Calluh.

I finally spotted her coming down the hall towards me; she had a bounce in her step and the cutest outfit. She looked perfect. A light colored strapless shirt that flowed over her dark jeans shorts and of course, black flip flops. I wanted to kiss her again.

I smiled when she smiled at me and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t believe this feeling. I couldn’t wait to hug her. To embrace her.

She was so close, I could smell her perfume.

And then that’s when the world shattered because, well, guess who comes out of nowhere?


She came out of absolutely no place. And she kissed me. It was right in front of Calluh too. I felt my world shatter then.

I pulled back and looked behind Chelsea, maybe Calluh didn’t see it. Maybe, possibly, hopefully.

I looked back and Calluh stood there with tears in her eyes. The usually spunky, attitude, vibrant Calluh was replaced with someone else. The sparkle in her eyes was completely gone. And her hands were limp by her sides. She quickly turned around and got lost in a crowd of people. A crowd of my friends.

I looked at Chelsea and she smiled the typical mean girl look that I had grown so used to seeing. I pushed her out of the way and the crowd enveloped me. They were asking where I had been during practice and why I hadn’t been at lunch. All these questions would have to wait. I pushed past them, feeling my heart beat harder than before. It wasn’t the good kind of beat either. It had a tinge of pain every time I felt it hit my ribs. I wanted to puke.

I wanted to yell. I wanted to hit something. I wanted to cry.

I wanted for once, to be just a regular kid. I didn’t want to be popular. I didn’t want to have to worry about these things happening. I wanted to be with Calluh. I wanted the world around us to be gone like yesterday in my backyard.

My anger grew as I pushed past people. It was too overwhelming for me.

“SHUT UP!” I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear me.

The hallway got quiet. Strange looks shot to my vision.

I ran to the library, she wasn’t there. And then the bell rang.

I sat and waited for her to come to English. No show.

I waited for her in the library for lunch. The same deal.

I went to her house directly afterschool. Nobody answered.

So I went home.

There was nothing else I could do.

And I stared at the ceiling until the sun came up and my dogs started barking.


The next day I looked horrible. My hair was crazy. My clothes were picked out of the dirty clothes hamper. I was a wreck.

I just walked the hallways. I didn’t look anyone in the eyes, didn’t even look for Calluh because I knew she wouldn’t talk to me. I just walked.

That’s when I saw the one thing that seriously made me feel like I was capable of murdering someone.

I saw Ethan and Calluh.

Not only did I see them.

I saw what they were doing.

I saw them holding hands.

F. M. L.


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