Chapter 13. Coming out.

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I spent a few days away from Calluh. I wanted a while to be alright, to be strong for her. I didn’t miss her and I wasn’t looking forward to going back to see her. A few days turned into a week, which doubled and when I remembered her, it was a month later.

Sunnie and I had become inseparable, we spent most of all day every day together and we worked perfectly. We were partners, we were in sync. She was actually the one who had brought up Calluh; she asked if I had heard anything from her, I said I didn’t. And then I remembered that we hadn’t talked in a month or so. I felt terrible and a glint of guilt hit my heart. I needed to call her and make sure she was okay.

When Sunnie went home for a bit to pick out more clothes I pulled out my phone and scrolled to Calluhs name. I clicked call, and it rang and it rang and it rang.

I was about to hang up when I heard a voice.

                “Hello?” she said a little shyly. I had never heard her like that. Shy. I didn’t think it was something that she could be.

                “Hey, it’s me. I just wanted to see how you were. I’m sorry we haven’t talked in a while. I’ve been busy.” That was somewhat of a lie.

                “Yeah, being with Sunnie. I understand.” A sigh escaped her lips and I felt terrible.

                “Calluh, I’m sorry. Can I come over? I don’t want anything bad between us.”

It took her a little while to respond, and I knew that she was reluctant to tell me and answer.

                “…yeah.” She said. “That’ll be nice.”

                “I’ll be over in 10 minutes.”

That was the first conversation we had in over a month. As soon as the phone clicked to end a strong feeling hit me. It replaced the guilt; it was the fact that I had actually missed her. I missed her quite a bit. All the feelings I had for her I had pushed away for Sunnie. Trying to be a better guy and not a scumbag. I suppose that wasn’t the way to go.

I got dressed quickly and texted Sunnie that I had to take care of some stuff before she came back. She messaged me back saying that was fine and that she’ll be over later. I told her okay and that I’ll miss her.

Then I left the house.

I took my time walking to her house; it’s not that I didn’t want to go. It’s that I was scared. I had literally pushed everything out of my mind as to not think about it. Not worry, and not feel it.

I rang the doorbell and waited about a minute. She probably changed her mind. I sighed and stood there for a few seconds. The door finally opened and Calluh walked out. She looked up at me and nodded.

                “Hello.” She said quietly.

The first thing I did was look down at her stomach, she was wearing a grey pullover sweatshirt so if she did have a belly, I couldn’t see it. It was hidden in the abyss of grey fabric. This aggravated me a little bit.

                “Hey, it’s been a while stranger.” I tried to make a joke. She giggled a little bit.

She moved from the door and let me into the house; I looked around and remembered it from dinner, months ago. I walked to the end of the hallway and raised my eyebrow, trying to figure out where she wanted me to go. Where we were going to talk. She took my hand and led me upstairs and to her bedroom. She shut the door behind her and I tried not to think of the many time I had done this with other girls. I also tried not to think about what she would or could do to me here. That’d be inappropriate. But I did it anyways.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. Which was painful also, and then a new personality kicked in in her. It was different, one that I’ve never seen before. It was refreshing and it reminded me of Sunnies personality. One that id fallen in love with very quickly.

                “Well, now that you’re here, let me fill you in on what you missed.” She stood up and pulled off her sweatshirt. She was wearing a black shirt and some jeans. I saw the little belly that had started up. I groaned loudly, on accident. I didn’t mean for her to hear it, I didn’t even mean to do it. Her face totally changed and tears came to her eyes. I instantly took it back.

                “I didn’t mean that Calluh.” I tried to patch up the moment. She denied the apology and I didn’t blame her.

                “I didn’t ask you to come to any of the appointments. I won’t ask you for money. I won’t ask you for support. I don’t want you to have any part in my baby’s life. All I asked you to come here for is to see that you do have a child coming. It is yours. Now you can leave.” Anger flared up in her eyes.

                “Stop, I didn’t mean that. I know you’re mad. You haven’t told me about any of the appointments but I know it’s my fault because I haven’t asked. I’m going to be a father. I’ll try harder.”

                “You’re not going to be a father. You can have the title but you’ll never truly be a father. You don’t have it in you. You aren’t that kind of man.” She yelled at me.

                “I’ve changed a lot since I met you! You have made me into what I am right now.” I yelled back.

                “You were garbage when I met you.” She whispered. “That never changed.”

Pain welled up in my chest. I wanted to keep yelling at her, I wanted to lose my mind but I knew I couldn’t. I would never hit a woman, especially not one carrying my child. My future. I stayed quiet until things calmed down a little bit. She stayed quiet too. The stress wasn’t good for the baby.

The baby wasn’t good for me.

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