Familiar Faces

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When I drove up to the Walmart, I opened the glove box, hoping to find money. Luckily, I found around fifty dollars. I grabbed it and hopped out of the truck. I hope he doesn't mind this...

Inside the Walmart, I headed straight to the pharmacy section after grabbing a basket. I browsed through the band aids, memorizing what Mac's wounds looked like. They were about one centimeter to one inch long. I grabbed a small box of bandages. I still had quite a bit of money left, so I decided to buy some makeup to hide the bruises.

When I settled on some simple foundation the color of my skin, I did the math. The bandages was a dollar ninety-nine, the rubbing alcohol was two dollars exact, and the makeup was five fifty. I had plenty of money for some things for myself. I glanced down at my clothes. They looked horrible, and I probably looked homeless. Well, better than looking abused. Then I'd be questioned by the police, Mac could get arrested-wait, Mac getting arrested would be a bad thing? But he deserves it! But as soon as I thought that, I felt bad. Maybe I was judging Mac too soon. Too soon? He's a meth addicted rapist! I tried shoving these thoughts out of my head.

As I made my way towards the clothes department, I heard some voices. I stopped, not sure if I heard them correctly. I glanced behind a wall of bras and caught my breath.

Melissa and Jacob were standing in the aisle, Jacob texting while Melissa searched through the bras. Melissa's back was to me, while Jacob faced me. He didn't see me, his attention fixed on his phone. Quickly, I hopped into the next aisle over. I shut my eyes, praying that they didn't see me. I had made a promise to Mac and myself that I'd stay with him for as long as he needed me.

"You like this one?" Melissa asked

"Sure." Jacob mumbled. I heard the rattling of clothes hangers.

"Jake, do you think Angie's ok?" She asked.

"I dunno. I hope so." Jacob muttered, barely audible.

"Jake, are you blaming yourself again? It wasn't your fault." Melissa tried to reassure him. I bit my lip. Jacob thinks it's his fault? Jacob - the vandalizing high school stoner who wouldn't care if he ran over someone's cat - felt guilty.

"Yes it is. I brought the beer, and got drunk. I didn't have to bring the beer." He stated, sounding upset. "Did you know that Mike hasn't slept for two weeks?"

"No. I haven't spoken to him since Angie disappeared." Melissa stated. I sighed. That sounded like Mike. One time, his dog got loose, and he wouldn't sleep until it was found. I didn't want them to see me, so I quickly walked over to the clothes aisle.

As I was rummaging through the shorts department, I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob's guilt. I was half temped to go over to them and show myself. But then Mac would go to jail. I made him a promise, and I needed to keep that promise. While rolling the thoughts over in my head, I neglected to feel a presence behind me.

"Hello miss. Can I help you?" A friendly voice asked. I turned around and glanced the woman up and down. She was tall, with brown hair. Her friendly smile faded when she saw my face. "Are you alright?" She asked, sounding worried.

Shit what do I say?

Keep calm.

Well what the fuck do I say?!

Say you were hiking and you fell.

Will it work?

I don't know, try it!

"Yeah I'm fine. I was hiking and I kinda fell." I stated lamely. The lady nodded, but didn't look convinced.

"Do you need any help? With the clothes, I mean." She asked. I turned to the clothes, and shook my head, already deciding on a pair of shorts.

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