Just Crazy

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Adrian's been gone a week Sasha has been watching lani while I work we switch to have her every other week so this is his week and Sasha is going to take her down there.  I'll be all alone In this big ass house guess I'll just spend more time at work. I throw on my scrubs and grab lani an outfit and we get all dolled up to go to breakfast we go to this place called Jeremiah's we're seated and waiting for the server she come by and get the order and our drink order then comes back with the drinks I'm talking with lani asking her if she's ready to see my boss and then go to see her daddy and she's cheesing all big I think she likes my boss more than me . She stars singing random songs and I just start recording her Awee like she's the cutest. Then a girl with really long hair walks right up to Meilani and pinching her cheeks talking about Adrian did a good job with this one here lani screams for her to stop and I stand up to hit her and ask her who the fuck she was and why she was touching my child. She backs up as I swing and she says woah relax I know her dad and I get madder like girl I don't care if you know Jesus you don't fucking touch my child I'm about to touch you if you don't walk away. She freezes and says oh wait that bitch HE MARRIED YOU now she visibly upset and I'm still stuck on who the fuck she is. I ask to get the food to go and I Get it boxed up and head to the car I see her getting into another car so I take a picture of the plates and I get in lock the door and call Andrea because I'm confused and most definitely don't want to hear from him and I'm explaining what just happened and she gets silent be she goes what did she look like and I'm like hold on she walked into the video. I text her the video and she yells for Adrian and she tells me to leave the restaurant now I start to panic and I'm asking what's wrong and who is it and no one is saying anything I just hear a bunch of movement and Andrea says just come down here and meet us at the restaurant don't go anywhere else just come straight here. She hangs up and I'm confused. I call my manager and let her know I won't be making it something has come up. She says okay and she will see me later. I do the hour drive there I pull up to the restaurant Adrian's standing outside he comes straight to the car and gets lani out and he's looking at me and smiles and says you look nice today I mentally roll my eyes and say thanks Andrea comes running and I smile and say girl you running this must be serious she laughs and says girl I know this ghetto and says but it is serious come on and oo you look nice today my nephews got you glowing. I laugh and say nephews how you know it's not another niece and she says don't worry I know. We're laughing and Adrian's brother comes out with his arms extended for lani but the first thing that catches my eye he's got a gun on his hip he looks at me and say mind your business. I just look at him grab lani and she gets all happy and he leans and gives me a hug then they disappear so I look at Andrea and say soo you gonna tell me what's happening? She freezes and says not my place to tell you. She walks off and it's just me and Adrian left standing there and he says to go to the office and he'll be there in a second. I walk to the back room and into the office and no one's there so I just sit on my phone and text Sasha and tell her wassup and that I'm going to call her when I leave here. She says good she ready to beat some ass over her godchild I'm laughing and my mood changes when he walks in and he sits silent for a moment. So I speak up and ask is my child's life in danger? He reply's with mostly yours and I'm just looking at him and I ask him so who is she. He gets tense and says she's the Ex that everyone keeps bringing up says you're better than and that I need to do right by you because some shit happened but I don't want to talk about that right now I just want you to watch your surroundings and please don't be alone please have Sasha stay with you or you go stay with her. I just say k and go to leave and he says we'll there's a session tomorrow if you'd like to go for the counseling. I say sure just tell me the place and time. He hesitated and says we'll maybe you can stay here and we go in together tomorrow if that's not to much to ask. I pause and say that's fine I'll come stay at your sisters but I want to go see my family first. He smiles a little and say okay. I walk out and his entire family is tense but they smile when they see me like they are putting on a show. I go to find lani and run into Adrian's dad and he smiles really big and says baby girl long time no see and I laugh and say I just saw you about and then I dawns on me I haven't seen them since the party I laugh and say okay yea it's been a minute he smiles and says you look lovely how's my grand baby's treating you I smile and say so far so good and you're the first that hasn't said that the baby's a boy. He smiles and said I'm sure you think you know what you're having I smile and say I had the opportunity to know but I passed I'm waiting until I'm seven months I don't want to go out and do a ton of shopping lol. He laughs and says we'll were all waiting to hit the baby store and go wild. We go our separate ways and I continue to look for lani and I see Adrian's mom she smiles really big and goes ahh look at you you look beautiful I smile the amount of love I'm getting today is over the top. She says I know you're looking for lani but I'm gonna stop you and turn you around she's having fun with her uncle and cousin but I am sending you somewhere else. She turns me around and we go down to the lobby and Adrian Andrea and their sister sierra is standing there and they are all smiling and Andrea say we're going to do some shopping and go on a spa date. So I hope you're ready I say well I need to change out of my scrubs I'd like to be comfortable. Adrian smiles and hands me a bag and there's a really cute summer dress and some flats I go change and come back with a huge smile the comfort of this dress is crazy and they all say your belly is visible let me rub it. They all move towards me and I feel a kick I'm not sure if it's my excitement or theirs but I move towards Adrian and take his hand and hold it to my belly and the kicking continues. He laughs about it and we make eye contact and the contact never breaks we're just starting at each other and then Sierra goes ugh just kiss already I wish I had someone look at me the way y'all look at each other. He backs away for a second blushing because he got called out. They rush over and try and feel the kicking and they catch just one little kick and I say so are we going or y'all just gonna keep touching me they laugh and we go to leave and Adrian says wait and he pulls money out of his pocket for me and says everything's on me and go shopping for some new clothes and maybe a little baby stuff. He kisses my forehead and we just say bye. We're walking to Andrea's car and she just looks at me and says hey cheer up it's gonna be alright I smile a little and say thanks. We get in the car and head to the spa first I got really excited because I saw they had a pregnancy massage and the lady was rubbing all on the bump I think twins was enjoying it more than me rolling around all over the place. After the spa we went and got our feet done and then went to the mall I got me some crocs and a couple of dresses  I've been so relaxed I've lost track of time and I start to get hungry and I'm like we need food now and they laugh and say that's where we're going next. We leave the mall and go to the restaurant and sierra goes in to put us on the waiting list I sigh and Andrea ask what's wrong. I look at her and say I'm really worried we're going to counseling tomorrow and I don't know how it's going to go. I'm scared it's gonna be fine and work out but I'm worried that all I'll be thinking about is him cheating again. Did he tell you the entire thing about what happened with them? I look at her and say no with a concerned look . She pauses for a second well he didn't actually sleep with her he didn't say it because he didn't want to make it seem like he was dismissing being with her all together he didn't want to look like he was trying to lie and cover it up. He took her on the trip to hang out with her and spend time with her and she took her clothes off and took a picture while he was sleep when you showed him that was his first time seeing it and he didn't want to seem like he was trying to cover up the fact that she was there. He admits it was wrong taking her in the first place but he didn't sleep with her but believe me I beat her ass after he told me everything. So she's not an issue. We look up and sierra is running back to the car and she opens my door and says our table is ready she says let's go pretty lady and then looks at Andrea and says young man you gonna get out or what? We all fall out laughing and go inside and Andrea pulls me back by her and says I only told you this so that you can go with an open mind. Don't tell him I told you so when he does bring it up it's news to you. I smile slightly and say your secret is safe with me. We get inside and we're about to order and my dad and the kids show up. I smile because I was ready to go see them and they are here I get up and hug everyone. We all sit back down and start catching up and we're there for about three hours and it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy we finish up and head out I'm going home with Andrea but she's gotta drop sierra off first. We're about fifteen minutes from the house and I'm just looking out the window day dreaming and she ask if I'm okay. I sigh and say yes just hoping tomorrow goes well because honestly I don't need this stress. She's silent and she says I'm my brothers twin and I knew something was off but I feel that everything is going to be okay. It's silent the rest of the way to her house she pulls into the drive way and I grab my bags so that I can shower and get into the bed. I sit my bags in the living room and grab a night gown and shorts and head to the bathroom to shower I change and head to the bedroom I open the door and Adrian and lani are laying exactly the same I snap a picture and post it moments like these I scoot lani over and climb into the bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I was knocked out. I woke up to the sound of lani laughing I get up and walk out to the living room and she's watching tv with Andreas husband and dying laughing because he keeps making weird noise everytime Elmo talks. He says good morning and I say morning and grab my toothbrush and go brush my teeth and put on some shorts and dig in Adrian's stuff and grab a T-shirt even tho I bought stuff yesterday his shirts are comfortable. I go back into the living room and ask where Adrian is and he says in the backyard with Andrea trying to put something together. I say oh and go into the kitchen and look for food there's nothing I want so I ask to borrow his car and he says for what and I laugh and say I wanna get food he nods his head and says hold on I'll take you. He runs to their room and puts on some slides and stops at a drawer and pulls something out he's being discreet so I just pay it no mind he puts lani in the back and ask where I'd like to get food from. I say Cracker Barrel he drives into the direction we get there and I order some breakfast to go for everyone and he goes in and picks it up we head back to the house and everyone's in the living room we eat and then Adrian says we've got to go or we're gonna be late.

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