Chapter 5

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She kept running until she got to the skating rink. She brushed some of her tears away, but new ones just replaced them. She went to her locker and opened it. She pulled her hair up in a high bun and took her spare skates out.

Ten minutes later she was on the ice and nothing else in the world was real. She gathered a lot of speed and made a Toe Loop. Then she spanned and jumped again.

Elyon had followed Cornelia and Will had followed Caleb, while the other girls had gone off to find the guys.

Will finally found Caleb in the park. He was sitting on a bench trying to hold his tears back, but was failing very much. Will walked over and sat down beside him. She looked at him and felt his pain. She hugged him as a comfort.

Caleb wasn't the type who cried with sound, so he didn't feel as embarrassed as he thought he would.

"It sucks huh?" Will said matter-of-fact.

Caleb sighed and brushed his tears away.

Will sighed as well. "You know you're both very pathetic... It's like... watching two kids argue." Will said. "Or a married couple. Yes that's it..."

Caleb snorted "Like I ever wanna marry her!"

"Just stop it already. I didn't come here to hear that."

"It's just that she makes me so angry... In the start it was only a game... But slowly things started to get serious... And now..."

"Now things are screwed up because you're both selfish idiots." Will said honestly. "You know, the first thing I noticed was that you were the male version of Cornelia, and I knew that wasn't good. You're completely the same, but then again so different!"

"I just.... Can't stand her "I'm so perfect attitude"," he spat frustratedly.

"No one can."


Elyon watched Cornelia skate. She'd always like watching her best friend skate. Instead of turning her feelings into lyrics, Cornelia put them into beautiful skating performances.

Cornelia caught Elyon. She began to cry a little again. The girls and everyone in the hallway had seen the scene. Because of her distraction she made a wrong step and she fell on the ice, hard.

"Oh my gosh! Cornelia are you alright?" Elyon went onto the ice.

"No... I think I twisted my ankle or something... Oh Elyon it hurts."

Elyon pulled out her cell and speed dialed Will's number

Will picked up "Hey Elly what's up?"

"Cornelia fell on the ice, her ankle may be twisted badly, and she can't get up."

"I'll be there... with someone else,"

"Good we might need that... I mean, I can't carry her."

"We'll be there in ten," the girls hung up and Will turned to Caleb. "We gotta go!" She took Caleb's hand and pulled him with her.

Elyon helped Cornelia get her skates off. "Yeah I think it's twisted."

Cornelia sighed with silent tears running down her cheeks. "This is the worst day of my life!"

Ten minutes later Will and Caleb arrived at the skating rink.

"What are we doing here?" Caleb asked knowing Cornelia skated there.

They went inside and over to the ice, where Caleb saw Cornelia lying on the ice looking not just hurt, but in pain.


"Oh god, what happened?" His caring side suddenly bloomed out of him and he went onto the ice over to the two girls, Will followed. He bent down beside Cornelia who was too much in pain to be mad at him.

"She fell in a loop, and I think she twisted her ankle." Elyon said. "I can't carry her home."

"Yeah, I know. If you could call her mother or father or someone for me it would be great." Caleb took Cornelia up in his arms, and started walking carefully off the ice. When they came outside he began walking toward their apartment. Will got Cornelia's skates and backpack, while Elyon called Cornelia's parents.

Out in the fresh air Cornelia's tears dried. Her head hurt after the crying so she rested it against Caleb's shoulder.

Caleb looked caringly at her. He had no idea what had happened between them in the past few minutes. It was like an invisible strong bond had become visible - like the whole fighting thing had been a façade. It had been the same when Cornelia couldn't find her ring. Like Caleb got upset when Cornelia got upset.

Cornelia hadn't the strength to argue with him. And in a way she wouldn't. She was glad Caleb was the one carrying her home. She felt safe in his strong warm arms.

They finally reached the apartment.

"Can you carry her up the stairs?" Will asked doubtingly.

"Hey I wasn't one of the strongest guys in my last school for nothing. Besides, Cornelia is as heavy as a feather."

Cornelia smiled, that had been a compliment. "Thanks." She whispered only for him, knowing Elyon and Will couldn't hear it.

Even though he didn't answer she knew he'd heard it.

When they came to the front door, Elyon found Cornelia's key and opened the door.

Caleb went inside and laid Cornelia down on the couch.

Elyon and Will ran into the kitchen. Elyon got ice. A lot of ice. And Will got something to drink for all four.

"How are you feeling?" Elyon asked as she came back with the ice.

"Messed up," Cornelia sighed.

"Here's something to drink..."

Elyon's cell rang.

"Hello?"... "Hey Liz!"... "Yeah, Caleb got her home safe, she's on the couch now with some ice."... "Uhuh, I'll tell them..."... "Yes I'm sure, alright bye."

Elyon turned to the others. "Your mom is stuck in traffic and your father is in a meeting. They're both gonna be home late. And Lillian is staying at some friend's house."

Cornelia nodded, "There's probably some leftover lasagna in the fridge... You guys wanna stay?"

"I'd love to but I promised I'd help Hay Lin with some designs. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay Elly, don't sweat it... You Will? Or do you have swim practise today?"

"I wished, no mom and Collins has a family dinner planned... I mean the whole family! Also little five months old Willie..."

Cornelia smiled, "Sounds nice, anyway thanks for the help."

"Anytime" The girls said. "Bye guys."

The girls left.


There was a deep silence.

Caleb left for the kitchen. He took out the lasagna and put it in the microwave.

Cornelia turned on the TV; some special FRIENDS event was running. Four hours with FRIENDS episodes.

Caleb came back with lasagna and diet coke for them both.

They watched movies until Cornelia dozed off.

Caleb notices how she was shivering.

He knew she was gonna freak out on him, but he took one of his t-shirts and went into the living room. He took Cornelia's dress off and gave her the t-shirt on. He then carried her into her bed and pulled the covers over her. He looked at her for a long time, and softly traced his fingers from her cheek to her chin.

"Goodnight sleeping beauty."

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