Chapter 4- The Circle Of Life

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                                                                       Harper's POV

 I just stood there shocked. I just couldn't believe the words I was hearing Nora say. The little girl I worked so hard at raising to not be like me, has done the exact opposite. Where did I go wrong? I know I'm not supposed to think that way but it's hard not to. How did I miss this? Last time I checked, she was a virgin. I thought for sure she would've told me before she started to get intimate. I never saw the signs. Her and Cal have only been dating for a few months. Did Cal force her? Did he manipulate her into having sex with him? Was she just as vulnerable as I was? Oh God, so many thoughts running through my mind, I didn't know what to think, or how to feel. All I felt was pain. No wait, anger. Before I knew what I was doing it was too late. I'm looking at my sixteen year old's face. She was crying now, and holding her hand up to her cheek. I had backhanded her. My anger must've tooken over. It's been years since I've had to hit her. I felt my stomach turn. I wanted to puke as I imagined my mothers face, all those time she'd abused me at that age. I know I'm not abusing Nora, but all these flashbacks started popping up.

        "MOM!! I'm so sorry." I heard Nora apologize, tearing me from my thoughts. "I never meant for this to happen."

        "Well, no shit, Nora! Do you think I planned on raising you all by my damn self? How the hell were you so irresponsible? I taught you everything you needed to know about protection. Why didn't you come and talk to me first? You out of all people should know how to prevent this? You saw first hand, what it's like to have a teenage mother. You really want to grow up and be like me?"

        She was just shaking her head uncontrolably. "I just don't know how this happened. I can't raise a kid. I'm still a kid myself, mom" She whined.

        I wiped away her tears and hugged her. Something I wish my mother would have done to me, rather than just kick me out. "Oh Nora, don't you see?" I asked. "You stopped being a kid, the moment the strip turned positive." I put my finger under her chin and forced her to look at me. Those big hazel eyes that were usually so full of joy and laughter, were now filled with tears and heartache. "You're going to be forced to grow up a lot faster."

        Tess and Dallas had came over early the next morning. I wanted to tell them before word got around. We lived in a fairly small town on the outskirts of Lincon Heights. Not a lot of drama around here so I'm sure people will be blowing this out of the water. It's not everyday here that a teenager is pregnant like in other places.

        "So, is Cal and his family going chip in and help with the baby once it's here?" Asked Dallas.

        "Yeah, and have you met his parents yet? Aren't they weathly?" Chimed in Tess.

        "I haven't met them yet. Cal is going to come pick me and Nora up so we can go over there and meet them. Yes, I've heard they were wealthy. And yeah, Cal said he wanted to do as much as he could for Nora and the baby. Thank God." I explained to them. Tess and I were on my floral couch. It was time for a new one. I've had it for years and it had me and Nora's butt indents imprinted into the cushions. Plus, it was quite ugly to tell the truth. I got it years ago when I got my first apartment. Someone had put the perfectly good couch out on the curb to be thrown out. Just as I was about to ask to take the couch, a rather large man came out of the house offered to help, as if he knew what I was going to ask. He was a dark complextion and looked around 250 pounds. And not in muscle. He was wearing some old dirty blue jeans and a holey black wife beater. I got the impression they were either moving or just rearragning the house, because he was really sweaty and dirty. I acctepted the help and he called in the house for someone named Craig. I assumed he was his brother because they looked really similar. Craig was just taller and a little fatter. They loaded the couch into the back of a pickup truck and offered me a ride to my house. My feet were pretty swollen, I was about seven months pregnant. Once they pulled up to my apartment, I pulled out my wallet. But the rather large man smiled and said "Free of charge, Miss." He must've knew how broke I was. Probably because I just took a couch from the side of the road with absolutely no car. The point is, even though the couch was older than Nora, and was really ugly and ripping at the sides, it held so many memories and I just couldn't seem to get rid of it.

        Dallas was pacing back and forth in front of the Christmas Tree. We really need to take damn thing down. "I just can't believe Nora is gonna be having a baby in nine months." Dallas seemed to be taking it harder than I did almost. His curly dark hair flying all over the place. He had sweat dripping down on his forehead. He had these big thick eyebrows, reminded me of caterpillars. First thing anyone noticed about him. Other than his big ears. Seriously, he could fly with those things.

        Two hours later Cal was pulling into they're driveway. Wealthy wasn't the right word for these guys. More like loaded. I instantly got all uncomrtable and my insecurites started to come out a bit. I know for a fact Nora must've been feeling the same way. No wonder Cal always came over to our house instead of vice versa. Cal parked his 2014 Dodge Charger in a reseved parking slot in the back. We parked besides two other cars. A 2014 Porsche Cayenne, which I assumed was his fathers. And a 2014 Buick, got to be his mothers. There were lots of excersise equiment in the backyard. And I also saw a huge graden to the left. They must be a very nurtious family. Eat and love healthy I see.

        Cal politely opened our car doors for us and then opened the front door. It was one of those houses where you have to take off your shoes. I instanly regretted my sock choice. I had on one purple sock that had the words 'Juicey' written over the top and the other was a really old 'High School Musical' sock that onced belonged to Nora when she was into it. Once inside I saw a huge chandlier just hanging like nobody's busniess in the walkway. Like who needs one that big? And in the walkway for God's sake. There seemed to be one in every room. I instanly started singing that song 'Chandlier' by Sia. I started smirking at the thought of me swinging on all of them. That smirk qucikly got washed away as I heard Cal's mother yell from another part fo the mansion. "Cal, sweetie? Is that you?" She seemed anxious.

        "Yes, mom. We're here. I'll be right there." He smiled at me and said "This is it guys, no running the other way now." He was only half joking. He kissed Nora's head and grabbed her hand. Then lead us to the back of the house. We passed the living room, it was all white. There was no way in hell, that that room would've stayed white for a week if I lived here. Finally we met up with them. In another living room. Why the hell do they need two living rooms?

        "Mom, Pops. This is my girlfriend Nora and her mother." He intorduced us. His mom looked like a stuck up bitch, to tell the truth. She just eyed me down like I was trash. The look on her face when she saw my socks we a mixture of disgust and horror. As if I walked in there in lingre or something. She was short. About 5'3, and had a pretty nice rack honestly. Her hair was a strawberry blonde and it was swept up into a bun. She had on a grey pencil skirt and a purple halter top. She held her hand out to me. "Louise" she said. I shook her hand and smiled at her husband. He had the most beautiful smile. He was really tall. Easily 6'4 if not taller. He had dark brown hair that he combed  to the back.

        He looked sort of familiar as he shook my hand. Maybe he used to come into the library or something. Then it hit me. Mr. Tall, dark and handsome. He looked at me and smiled once more while introducing himself as "Claude."

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