Chapter 9-Breaking The Shell

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                                                                                           -Claudes' POV-

I've been thinking of what me and Nora would talk about once I get her. I was so excited for this second chance that I was getting that I started to make my way to Nora's house earlier than I had expected. I got in the car at 1:15pm and made it to her house by 1:30pm. I was so nervous I just sat parked in front of her house for a good five minutes before having the guts to actually get out of the car. There was a lot riding on the line for me. If done right, I could gain the daughter I had left behind so many years ago and possibly become friends with Harper. But, if done wrong...well then I'll have no one. I'm getting a divorce to the only woman I've ever loved, there'll be no Cal-the boy I've basically raised as my own, the daughter I never got a chance to know will leave with Cal, and me and Harper will never get a chance to patch things over.

I decided to make my way over and knock on the door but it was opening right as I was about to knock. It was Nora.

"I'm early. Sorry. Should I just leave and come back on time?" I asked.

"No, no. That's fine. I was just taking the trash out." She said, holding up the overstuffed trash bag.

"Well here, let me take that." I took the bag out of her hand and we walked down the cracked steps and down the walkway to their garbage can.

"Bet that was your first time taking out the trash, eh?" She asked with a smirk on her face. I just put my head down and opened the car door for her to get in, and closing it behind her. Once I got into the drivers side, we were on our way.

Nora broke the silence by apologizing. "I'm sorry." She said. "I just have a mean sense of humor sometimes and I forget that not all people like my banter. I'll be more aware of what I say from now on." She promised.

I couldn't find any words to say back to her. I practiced the entire conversation and how our day would go just hours before and now that she's actually here, my mind went blank. This is not how I pictured it.

We didn't talk the rest of the ride home.

We pulled in the extremely long driveway and went straight inside. She seemed to still be impressed and in awe at the house. Hopefully I can get her to get that interested in me.

It was a hour later and so far everything was good. We sat in the main living room and talked for a bit and then made our way in the kitchen. She sat on the counter and watched as I showed her how to make a good bowl of chili.

"Why so much season salt in the meat?" She asked. "Won't it be too salty?"

"You gotta salt the meat, Nora. Or it'll taste bland. Like yours" I joked.

"Hey, did you die? I think not. So stop making fun of my food. It could've been a lot worse."

"Not much." I said. She giggled.

That's something. At least I made her laugh a little bit.

"That smells delicious, I can smell Claude's famous chili from in here" Louise said as she entered the house.

I could see Nora tense right back up like she was when we arrived. I finally got her to break out of her shell and now we're right back to square one. Louise walked into the kitchen and then stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Nora. I hadn't told her we were gonna have company.

"Nora....hi hunny. I wasn't aware you'd be here." She said as she smiled awkwardly.

"I invited her over for a chance to get to know each other." I jumped in.

"Well next time, I'd appreciate you telling me when we have company."

"WE didn't have company, I have company. And you were supposed to be at Denise's house this afternoon for tea. And since when was it illegal for a grown ass man to have some damn company!?" Before I knew it, I was screaming to the top of my lungs.

"You lower your voice right now and watch how you talk to me, you son of a bitch!" She screamed back at me.

"Um, Claude?" Nora chimed in quietly. "It's getting late and I have ton of homework to do."

"Look what you did, Louise! Made her feel uncomfortable in this house. She feels as if she has to leave, thanks to you. We were finally getting along and you just had to come and ruin it all!!!"

Cal returned home without us knowing it because he ran in the kitchen once he heard all of the commotion. "What the hell is going on?"

But me and Louise were going at it so loudly that neither one of us had time to stop just to talk to Cal and Nora. That woman wouldn't let me stop fighting with her if the house was on fire.

"Come on, I'll take you home." I heard Cal say to the frightened Nora. He put some chili in a bowl, and put some aluminum foil over the top and they were out. 

And just like that, my night was ruined. Not even two hours into the dinner, and Louise found a way to fuck up the night. Once again. This is why we are separating. I need someone in my life who will lift me up and not tear me down when I'm doing the right thing. Hell without me, she wouldn't have any of this shit she has now. Including Cal.

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