Chapter 10-Spoons and Semi Warm Chili

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                                                                                 -Nora's POV-

Claude and Louise were going at it so hard that I thought one of their heads might actually explode. I remember Cal telling me about his mother starting fights for absolutely no reason, but I wasn't expecting it to be that serious. I mean, he can't spend time with his daughter? That's pretty fucked up if you ask me. No wonder he's leaving.

When I made it home, my mom was already waiting for me in the living room. Looked like she hadn't moved since I saw her last, before I left.

"Hey mom, what's up," I asked her as I was shutting the door behind me. The floorboard squeaked as I made my way over to the couch and plopped down in my usual seat.

"So how was it? Couldn't have went that well, you still have whatever you ate in that bowl," she asked, her curiosity written all over her face.

"I didn't even get the chance to eat it. Smells good though," I explained.

"Why didn't you eat it? What happened?" she asked all in one breath.

Shaking my head I replied "Nothing really, just Louise came home and was mad that she didn't know they had company over. So they started arguing right in front of me and I didn't know what to do. Luckily Cal came home, and saved me from that  war fast and in a hurry. And here I am."

Before she had a chance to respond we heard someone just walk in. Had to be either Tess or Dallas.

"Yo, Harper? Nora? You guys here?" Dallas shouted from the front door.

"In here," I shouted back as my mom made room for him on the couch. We could head every step he made with those huge boots he always wore. I don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than those boots.

"What's up, guys?" he asked as he stopped in the living room doorway.

"Nora just got back from spending time with Claude. And I was gonna eat the leftovers she brought over," she explained smiling over at Dallas.

Before he said anything else, he ran to what I assumed was the kitchen once I heard the kitchen drawers slam open and shut. Then he thumped his way back over to where we were sitting. He had three spoons and the biggest grin on his face.

"Well, you guys aren't gonna eat leftovers without me." He hopped on the couch in between us and starting eating the semi warm chili. Mom snatched a spoon out of his hand and started laughing.

"Here's your spoon, Nor-Nor," Dallas said as he reached out his hand for me to take the spoon.

I shook my head and grabbed my spoon. Me and Dallas were fighting for our spoons to be in the bowl at the same time.

It's safe to say, Claude's chili is a lot better than mine.

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