Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Here we are." Helanka said, opening the door to reveal a dark skinned girl who was about the same height as myself. "This is Paka. If you know your names, you would know that Paka means cat. I wouldn't usually put a cat and a dog together...but our goddess told me that I should. So, Paka this is Rose. Rose this is Paka. I have to go now, but Paka will show you around. Enjoy yourself."

"So Rose. Welcome to the House of Spirit." Paka smiled, but I could tell her face was worried as my she gazed at me. She was beautiful with mocha-coloured skin and short, brown hair that seemed to spike out everywhere. As I looked around the room I saw a cool looking sword that was propped up against the against the wall. There were two beds side-by-side, both with neatly place blankets. One bed (I assumed it was Paka's because of the design.), had a blanket that was decorated with cats that looked suspiciously liked Paka...just cat form. What side of the room she had was pretty obvious as it was filled with many items and the walls had many stickers and posters.

"Hey, thanks. So your true spirit is a cat? Have you ever seen your true spirit? I mean, I know I'm a wolf but I have really no clue what I look like." I asked her, sitting down on the bed which I thought was mine.

"Yes, I have actually. No, I'm not telling you what I look like though. You'll have to wait until I go back to the Witch- uhh until I feel like transforming." She said quickly than turned away, but not before I caught her mistake.

"Okayyy." I drew out the word, raising an eyebrow. Before I could speak again though, a glittering blue light attracted my attention. Gazing at Paka's neck, I saw a blue topaz necklace with a silver chain. It looked very familiar and memory rushed back unexpected...and for the second time that day, I fainted.

"No, leave her alone! It wasn't her, she doesn't even know about herself." A woman's voice sliced through the night. "She doesn't even know who we are! The head of the Witches Crone made us give her up and EVERYONE KNOWS IT! It's your fault, you should of asked before going to explain. THEY ARE FIVE!" That voice sounded so familiar, even though I was positive that I had never heard it before. Gazing over my shoulder, I saw where the voice came from. The speaker looked but an older version. She had the same blue topaz necklace that Paka had. "Mom." I whispered. Of course, now I remember. When I was five my mother and father had told me and a few of my friends that I was a witch. They had also given me a blue topaz necklace like theirs. Then suddenly a white light burst and people had taken me and away. Others had taken my parents, and the remaining few had put their finger to the heads of my friends, causing them to black out and fall. Then a felt a throb in the back of my head and I was falling...

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