Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Paka's POV)

"Rose, stop pacing, it won't help. Besides, I need to teach you how to control magic." I said, staring at Rose. 

Rose looked over at me and sighed. "Okay." She sat down on her bed, facing me. "Teach me."

"Cup your hands like this, as  if you were holding a baseball. Concentrate." I told her, cupping my own hands. Instantly, blue flame appeared and I got ready to blast it. No, wait. Don't want to destroy our dorm. I'll take her...I'll take her to the flower pit. I thought, smiling. "Rose? Not here. We'll go someplace else."

Dropping her hands to her side, Rose nodded and stood up, heading for the door. "Of course. Don't want to make a mess of the school now do we?" She laughed weakly, looking around.

Before joining her, I grabbed my phone and punched in a number. After the second ring, someone answered. "Hello?" They asked. "Cougar to Wolf. Teaching Subject. Meet us at Flower Pit. Bring Eagle, Stag, and Bear." I murmered, keeping my words quick and sharp. Flicking my phone shut, I grabbed Rose's wrist and headed out the door.


"Either you transform, or you ride on my back. Since you don't know how to control you're inner wolf, you will have to ride on my back." I explained, then stepped into the forest and behind a tree. Quickly I changed. I smiled as I dropped to all fours and felt my fur grow and my claws sharpen. My ears began more pointed and fuzzy and a tail shot out, long and thin. Once I was completely changed, I padded back to Rose.

Jump on. I purred, mentally laughing at the look on Rose's face. Yeah, us witches can talk to eachother in our minds. So can shapeshifters, but only High Priestess' can. Comes in handy for use though. I 'said' to her. Anywho, I'll explain more later. We gotta go, so get on. I crouched down a bit, making it easier for her to get on. She hesitated for a second, looking uneasy at my request. However, she finally climbed on, clutching handfulls of my fur. Hold on. When I was positive she was safe, I raced off towards the Flower Pit.


About fifteen minutes later, I came to a stop. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, I crept through the vines and into a clearing. You can get off now, we're here. I mewed in her head. Stay here, I'll change back to a human. She nodded and I went over behind a gaint boulder. Standing up on my hind legs I felt my claws and tail retract, and my ears become less pointed. My fur became part of my skin agian, while my clothes reappeared. Shaking myself quickly and running a hand through my hair, I walked out from behind the boulder and back to Rose.

"You made it I see." A voice made me turn around and smile.

"Of course I did. This is Roseka Lupa, Witch Child, daughter of Queen Alice and King Daniel."  I explained to the three animals and the person who the voice belonged to. Rose gasped as she realized who the speaker was.

"Hello Rose." The speaker said, smirking.

"I take it you two know eachother." I laughed, looking between the two. "Good, this shall be interesting."


Okay! Thank you everyone who's reading my book! Hope you like! If you have any idea's for names/animals, feel free to tell me, I've been sooo brain-dead when trying to think of more characters. Anywho...QUESTION TIME! xD Who do you think the speaker is? Rose's mother or father? Or another shifter?

Okay guys, I'm going into high school his year, so I might not be able to update asap. In other words, I want atleast 10 comments saying that you want me to update or I might just delete the story. Thanks guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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