Chapter 7~

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I take a deep breath and shove the shovel once again into the soft dirt. I heave the dirt on to the growing dirt pile next to me. Well, one step closer to having the hole deep enough for the post. I take the collar of my shirt and wipe away the sweat that once again has formed on my forehead. Why me? Why did I have to find a job outdoors during the summer? And to add to that...why did I have to find a job in which my boss's daughter hates me??

"You did real good." I say to myself between shoveling the dirt. I've been working on fencing since daylight and I'm starving. I look up to the sun to see that it's well pass lunch. Just as I realize this Mr.Moore appears next to me, almost scaring me to death, and telling me to head up to the house for a late lunch.

I turn towards the house which unfortunately to a hungry and tired me looks like it's so far it could be in a different country. But I begin the walk anyways. I begin to think about Charlotte and what she might be doing. I saw her earlier heading off somewhere with her horse but that was a long time ago. As I get closer to the house I notice that Mrs.Moore is gone and that I hear music.

I enter the house to see boots in the hallway leading towards the kitchen where apparently the music was coming from. I pause for a moment realizing I hear singing. I also realize that the voice I hear belongs to none other than Charlotte. Good golly, she has a beautiful voice. Almost as beautiful as her.

I turn the corner and smile. I see Charlotte dancing and singing to the music and making her a sandwich. I lean against the wall , which I'll learn shortly was a bad idea, and watch her. She keeps singing and begins to twirl and twirl, heading for me. Well actually right into me.

I realize right away that she's embarrassed and angry. I begin to smirk because it's kind of adorable how embarrassed she is. She looks up at me and I smile. Apparently that wasn't the right thing to do because anger flashes through her eyes. "What are you doing in here?" She snaps.

I wipe away my smile because she's starting to annoy me with her bratyness. "Well, you're dad said to head up here for lunch." I answer her solemnly. "So you just walk in here and say nothing?" She asks me angrily.

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. She does have a point. Hmm, oh I got it. "Well, ma'am. I came in and saw you dancing and singing. You seemed like you were having a good time at it too and I didn't want to bother you." I answer her.

That was a lie. I just liked watching you not being mean to me. "So you just stood there and watched me??" She asks angrily. "Well I didn't mean to." I answer defensively. "Yeah, sure." She says to me as she heads for the stairs. I stand there until I hear her door close upstairs then I slump against the wall. Great. She hates me and now thinks I'm a weirdo.

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