『 Chapter 1: Babysitter 』

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You were a sociable person, sure. You loved hanging out with... certain people. That meant anyone but Hiccup. You wouldn't have had a problem with the boy if he didn't try so hard. All he talked about was killing dragons (which he had never done). That didn't bother you that much, what bothered you was how often he destroyed things with all his stupid inventions. Sure it was accidental most of the time but he was an occupational hazard.

You heard the crashing from outside, quickly you grabbed your spear and clutched it tightly in your hand. You ran over to your door, opening it and seeing dragons swarming Berk. Deadly Nadders, Gronckles, Zipplebacks, and Monstrous Nightmares flew around the island.

You stepped outside the house running towards the closest person who was in danger. A man from the Hooligan tribe had been tackled by a Monstrous Nightmare.

You pushed yourself in between the two, quickly turning your spear sideways and sticking it in the mouth of the Monstrous Nightmare. You pushed it back, before yanking it to the side, pulling your spear out of its grip. You pointed your spear at the dragon, preparing to strike. As you swung forward you were tackled to the side. Claws ripped at your torso so you swiped at whatever had tackled you.

You felt the head of your spear strike something, and immediately the creature recoiled. A flash of silver and purple caught your eye. Looking over, you spotted a Silver Phantom. A dragon you had only seen in the book of dragons. They weren't too common around Berk which caused you to wonder what it was doing out here. You glanced down, spotting a wound on its neck. You swung your spear at it, letting out a shout. You were prepared to kill it. No one, not even dragons could mess with your people if you had a say in it, not again.

The dragon quickly flapped its wings, lifting from the ground and flying elsewhere. You glanced around, searching for the Monstrous Nightmare from earlier. It must have escaped when you were focused on the Silver Phantom. You turned around, spotting the man from the Hooligan tribe still laying on the ground, shocked. You stepped over to the man reaching out and grabbing his hand, helping him up.

"Get inside." You instructed, "Stay safe and don't die." The man nodded, turning around and rushing back to his home. You thought through your next move and decided to go to Chief Stoick, he always had something for you to do.

You looked around, where would he be? You spotted a scrawny boy running towards the forge. Quickly, thinking through your options you decided that following him would be your quickest way to find Stoick. You rushed after him, he may have been a twig but he sure could run fast. It surprised you that you were having a hard time keeping up. A hand reached out and grabbed the boy.

"What is he doin' out agai-" Stoick looked around, "What are you doin' out? Get back inside!" Stoick shoved the boy to the side, ushering him to go to the forge. You ran over to the man's side, you were technically a student of his. Your father's dying wish was for Stoick to take care of your family, so he was teaching you to be a "guardian" of sorts, "What have we got?"

You were quick to pipe up, "Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks, A Monstrous Nightmare... and I fought off a Silver Phantom." You tried not to sound too proud of yourself, you knew the man wouldn't care either way. He was too focused on the village.

"Any Night Furies?" He asked, looking up at the night sky, searching for the creature.

You shook your head, "None so far." A small number of embers fell on Stoick's shoulder, he brushed it off without a wince.

"Good." He turned to glance at you. He placed a rough hand on the pauldrons on your shoulders, "(Y/N). I need you to watch over my son." Your jaw dropped.

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