Train train train

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No ones pov:

It's been a few months since catra was cut from the band for about two months she was so upset she wouldn't get out of bed

But then she sucked it up and started training. She trained so her voice would get better and so that she wouldn't ever be replaced again...

Anyways 'the horde' is now the number one most famous band in the world even tho most fans left when catra did but new fans started coming after Jessie joined

Well anyways catra was scrolling on Twitter when she got a call from a unknown number so she picked it up

"Hey catra! It's me Jessie!"

"Hi Jessie" Catra said as she rolled her eyes

"I just wanted to let u know that we are bumble one because of me! Right after u left more fans started coming...that just proves that ur a horrible singer and you'll NEVER become number one." Jessie said "ok bye!" She said then hung up

'This girl has some nerve' catra thought to herself but catra didn't care about anything Jessie said she just shook it off and went with her day

(Time skip)

After about an hour catra got another phone call from an unknown number so she picked it up

"Look Jessie I don't give a shit about u bring number one stop calling me!" Catra said

"I'm not Jessie catra! Ur so silly!" Someone said

"Ohh hey Entrapta"

"HI CATRA!" Entrapta screamed and catra pulled the phone away from her ear

"U don't have to yell Entrapta" Catra said as she out the phone on speaker

"Sorry but I just had an amazing idea!"

"What's up?"

"So I was thinking-"

"Wait How did u get my number?"

"I have my ways..."


"ANYWAY! I was thinking.....maybe u could start ur OWN band! And I can be ur manager! I mean u have been training and ur voice has gotten better!" Entrapta said and catra thought about it for a bit

'Doesn't sound like a bad idea..' catra thought

"U like the idea DONT u?"

"Yeah actually...I do! Meet me at the theater on Friday at 12" catra said

"U got it!"

"Bye Entrapta and thanks for the idea!" Catra said

"Bye Catra!" Entrapta said then she hung up and catra ran over to her to Kim and got in the laptop and started making posters

They said 'band tryouts At the theater at 12 pm don't miss it!'

After a few hours catra had finally printed all 200 posters then she got some tape and went outside and started taping them everywhere she could

"Finally done!" She said as she put a piece of tape on the last poster after that she went home and told Entrapta about the posters and entrapta was so excited and so was catra

'I'm finally gonna have a band again' catra thought to herself


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