Smoke (Angst)

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Good morning/afternoon/night  Loves! i'm shocked at how fast i got this new one shot done! it's a bit shorter than i would have liked but oh well- so this one is based of a random idea i had, i swear i'm working on that one request (sorry i just had this idea and i had to follow with it-) but that is not the point!  this is going to be Quackity angst so- please read it- anywho! enjoy! 

TW! abandonment, strong language, mentions of past trauma & abuse,  semi descriptive abuse (not from wilbur-), semi descriptive make-out(nothing past that!) that should be it! if there are others do let me know! <3








Quackity was alone, once again. Him and Wilbur had been dating for around 7 months now, but recently Wilbur had started disappearing randomly, he would go out, and then not return for days on end. But anytime Quackity asked, he would get one of 3 responses, " It doesn't matter, okay Feathers?" "I'll explain later, I'm tired right now Q" "I had things to do, ducky, it was just a lot at once, but I'm back now. I love you." These would not have bothered Quackity if they were not so vague. But Wilbur never explained more than that. It hurt the hybrid, to always be alone despite him having someone, someone who promised him that they would stay with him forever, and that they would always be around him, or at least would tell him if they were leaving,

Though he hated to admit it, he was very dependent on Wilbur. Quackity has an addictive personality, he knew this. It was why he always got attached to people so quickly. Now this had gotten him into such lovely situations. His first significant other, Eret, let's just say it did not end well.

then his first marriage, Schlatt. They were a perfect couple. Keyword "were '', a short while into their relationship Schlatt got abusive, the man would shatter beer bottles around their home, throwing them at Quackity when given the chance. Quackity, being a hybrid, had wings, beautiful golden wings, way back when, before all of the drama, his wings were always well taken care of. They were clean, and not a feather was out of place, the wings would basically glimmer in the sunlight, so much you almost could not tell if they were wings or sheets of gold.

But nothing last for the male, early on in his and Schlatts marriage, the older man would always love messing with his wings, helping him fix them and keep them clean, his hands were always very gentle, at least they were. However, when Schlatts drinking problem got worse, he began taking his anger out on his smaller husband, using the other's body as some kind of punching bag. He would rip at the feathers on his wings, ripping out tens of feathers in a matter of seconds. But this was fine, at least he thought it was. But we all know how that marriage ended.

Quackity hated to admit this, but he still missed the ram.

After that downfall, Quackity found himself falling, no, tumbling without any complaints for Karl and Sapnap. The three boys always had each other after Manburg. For once everything was going the way Quackity had hoped, he loved and trusted where he lived, he had two loving faces. Nothing could ruin his life, except for one small issue, misunderstandings and memory problems.

He knew he had lost Karl, and Sapnap never loved him. He lost both of them, in the matter of one day, they left him, he lost them. And he did not even know what he did wrong. He knows now that he will never know.

But now he's here, with Wilbur, or well there dating. It had been about 3 days since they last saw each other, this would not matter if Wilbur had said something before disappearing. But he never did. As Quackity got lost in his own head, the front door to their shared house opened, revealing and tired Wilbur. The taller walked inside, seeing his lover on the couch. He smiled lightly, sadly. The male walked over to the couch, once he reached it, he snaked his arms around the other. A small gasp escaped Quackity at the sudden contact, but he knew instantly who it was. He jumped up from his position the couch, running around it so he could jump up on the other, Wilbur smiled at the shorters excitement, picking him up wrapping his arms around the others waist to hold him up, he spun the two of them around in a quick circle, smiling when he set Quackity down. But he didn't bother stopping the long embrace, after a few seconds of just soaking up each others presence,Quackity moved slightly, pushing himself up on his toes, pushing his lips onto Wilburs chapped ones, Wilbur smiled into the kiss, kissing back only a second later, Quackity opened his mouth slightly, hoping the other took the hint. Thankfully, he did.

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