.°🍧! | 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨 ❞

470 32 13

taeyong made sure to arrive at the designated time. Before he could knock, the door opened revealing doyoung.

It was as if he was waiting for the other to arrive.

"you came. good boy"

doyoung said and ruffled taeyong's pink hair with a gummy smile on his face. A small smile crept up on the shorter's features as a pink dust of a blush escaped.

As the pinkhead entered into doyoung's humble abode, doyoung said,

"sorry if my place looks a little bit messy. In the meantime make yourself comfortable while I grab some drinks for the two of us 'kay?"

"yeah no problem"

taeyong said as he went over and took a seat on the couch. doyoung took out two pepsi cans from the fridge and went over to taeyong and handed him the drink in which the pinkhead thanked him with a smile.

"okay then let's get right into it. If I recall correctly you said you were having problems with paper number two right"

doyoung asked as he made himself comfortable beside the boy. taeyong only nodded.

doyoung explained throughly of how to sketch a graph in the topic of limits and continuity. taeyong understands the concept now that doyoung taught him which is a relief actually.

Through out another explanation process, taeyong got distracted and began to stare at his angelic features.

doyoung reminds him of a bunny.

A cute bunny.

doyoung turned his head to see if the other was paying attention only to see taeyong staring at him.

"I might kiss you if you keep staring at me"

doyoung said straightforwardly and brushed his finger over the pinkhead's lips as he smirked.

This caught taeyong completely offguard. He was so flustered that his eyes tried to find a distraction.

That's right.

He looked away.

"I'm just kidding with you"

doyoung said with a chuckle, but deep down inside he meant what he said before.


taeyong said and returned a smile while mentally cursing himself about how he wished that he didn't look away the first time.

They continued to work as if nothing happened.

꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

taeyong was staring at the overcast clouds with a worried expression on his face. He then searched his bag for his noise-canceling headphones just to remember that he left it in the dorms.

"what's the weather forecast going to be like today?"

taeyong enquired.

doyoung did a search on google and told him that there will be a high chance of precipitation that comes with a thunderstorm later in the night.

"no wonder the temperature was unbearably hot today"

And after doyoung said that, a flash of lightning and the rolling of thunder could be heard.

taeyong cowered in fear as he covered his ears with trembling hands, while breathing heavily as if he was hyperventilating.

doyoung immediately went to taeyong's aid by wrapping his arms around the frightened boy trying his best to comfort him. He realized that the boy's astraphobia is acting up.

"m-make it stop...make it stop doie"

taeyong whimpered as the tears began to flow from his eyes.

"okay but can you do me a favor?"

taeyong nodded from doyoung's question.

"stay here and do some breathing exercises. I'll be right back."

taeyong trusts that doyoung will keep his word because he doesn't want to bear this painful experience alone like back then.

doyoung then came back with some headphones and covered his ears with it. He hopes that it's a headphone with noise reduction. Thankfully it worked as doyoung noticed taeyong is not so tensed as he was before.

"are you okay?"

doyoung asked.

taeyong read his lips and answered by embracing doyoung in an affectionate hug. doyoung smiled knowing that taeyong is okay so he hugged back.

꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

「𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 ; 𝒅𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒆 」Where stories live. Discover now