.°🍧! | 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 ❞

279 23 35

tw//homophobia, use of f slur

taeyong started to furiously blush as he heard doyoung's question. He was not supposed to say that...well not now anyway. To avoid anything known as awkward, taeyong frantically said,

"nOo! well yEes! but..............I lOvEe yOu mY gOoD fRiEnD?"

"Lmao what?-"

doyoung said. He was kunfused at the moment.

Did taeyong just friendzoned him?

taeyong want to give himself a smack on the face.


His subconscious literally screamed in the pinkhead's mind.

The shorter now just wants the seven dwarves to take him away and bury him in a glass coffin because he ate the poisoned red apple of friendzoning doyoung.

Of course he loves his doie and that love only grows each passing day.

doyoung however was this close to saying 'I love you' back if taeyong wasn't freaking out about that one simple question.

For teasing around sake, doyoung kissed taeyong on the cheek. This caught the shorter completely offguard. doyoung is always doing something to make taeyong turn crimson as per usual.

This gave taeyong every reason to put a +1 on his candy crush love for the doyoung boy.

"Give me free cuddles"

taeyong demanded. They switched positions, with doyoung now leaning against the tree after taeyong removed both goth kuromi and my melody cuddling the toys in his hands. taeyong then leaned backwards and made himself comfortable on the other's chest. doyoung then slung his arms over the boy, back hugging him.

They were in a state of ataraxia detached from the bothers of life encompassing them. taeyong felt a state of comfort and security whenever he is engulfed in doyoung's arms. I know this was stated before in previous chapters but this time it was becoming more intimate than it used to be. taeyong couldn't be more happier.

"Everyone has a story to tell and I think its only fair if I tell mine"

taeyong made his statement. After all everyone must have something to get off their chest.

"What is it?"

doyoung asked worriedly.

"Ok so basically it's a coming out story gone wrong..."

A nineteen year old taeyong was overly excited to finally come out of the closet and be his true self he was meant to be for his entire life of practically living. He haven't heard his parents make any form of homophobic or offensive remarks towards the lgbtqia+ community...well not that he heard of anyway living with them for the nineteen years he lived on earth so he thought that coming out to them was actually safe.

It was his last week of living at his parents' house so the brunette decided to make a rainbow drip cake with lollipops on top.

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