.°🍧! | 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 ❞

282 28 27

tw//mentions of suicide, childhood trauma

"You seem attached to your plush. Is their a backstory behind all this?"

taeyong asked. The question being asked caused doyoung to smile at the boy. It wasn't the same bunny smile the pinkhead was accustomed to. His smile gave off a melancholic atmosphere.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to-"

"You wanna hear a sad story?"

doyoung bluntly asked as he rest his head on taeyong's lap. taeyong then began to play in the boys soft strands of hair. the pinkhead frowned at doyoung's response then enquired,

"what happened?"

doyoung heaved a sigh. Now is the time to share his past experiences and finally get them off his chest. The raven haired started,

"So it all started when I saw this random couple broke up with each other and left goth kuromi on the wooden bench in the park"

"awww they abandoned the poor bunny"

taeyong commented and pouted.

"I know but I couldn't just leave goth kuromi there so I went home with them..."

"mommy look what I found :)"

A ten year old doyoung told his mom who was picking up shards of broken glass from off the floor. ms.kim looked up and saw what treasure her dear son found on the streets again. As she saw the plush, the lady automatically smiled and went over to the boy. She crouched down to his height and ruffled his hair.

"Now it's your responsibility to take care of it and to never ever abandon goth kuromi okay?

"yes mommy"

doyoung said as he cutely nodded.

"Your mom sounds like a sweet person"

"Yeah she was..."

Just before his mom was about to say I love you this guy bust open the door like he was about to break it and greeted ms.kim with a slurred voice as he walked with a stagger in his step. Yeah the man was drunk as hell.

mini doyoung saw the look on his mom's face change to a terrified look within nanoseconds.

"Honey...you know what...go and play in your room"

mini doyoung knew what his mom said means. He is aware that bad things always happen to his mommy when she said that.

He doesn't like the fact of that at all. doyoung used to believed that some evil witch on a broom cast a horrible spell on his mom so whenever she say that one sentence, bruises start to appear everywhere on her skin whenever she comes in doyoung's room to read him bedtime stories and kiss him goodnight.

His mini self then eventually found out that his father was the monster that put a curse on his mom.

'That son of a witch' doyoung would always secretly say to his father in his mind.

small doyoung wished that he could do something to put a stop to this madness but then again, the ten year old knew that he was powerless...just like his mother.

doyoung didn't obey his mom and went to his room like he was told to. He hid in the dark corners behind the wall that led to his room.

Then in the blink of an eye, he witnessed the events unfold.

The person who has the audacity to be called his father was physically, verbally, emotionally and mentally hurting his mom...again.

Mini doyoung was holding on to goth kuromi for dear life because he was afraid.

He was afraid for his mom and he was afraid of the man he refused to call his father at this point.

doyoung silently cried when his mom started to cry.

The place then gone quiet.

Too eerily quiet.

The silence was deafening that mini doyoung ran to his room in fear.

"That son of a bitch"

doyoung said and huffed a disappointed laugh. Continuing...

When he felt that the area was safe to come out, doyoung went out back into the living room and found his mother sitting by the wall on the floor.

The boy watched as his mom had a sharp knife in her hand and deeply self-inflicted herself on the wrist of her other hand. He watched as she bled to death. He never got to hear his mom's last words.

His mom committed suicide right in front of his very eyes.

Mini doyoung didnt know what to do at the time so he ran away somewhere far until his legs gave up and stopped at a stranger's house with goth kuromi in hand... panicking and trembling in the cold cold november...

꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

doyoung couldn't recall anything else that happened after he stopped at some random person's home because it all happened a long time ago so in the end the events became a blur. He don't even have no idea of what has become of the man who was supposed to act like a real father...if he's dead or alive rotting away in a jail cell. The trauma of his childhood affected him badly back then so it all becomes a fading memory for him.

doyoung then felt drips of water falling in his hair, just to realize that taeyong was crying. He sat up and turned to face the currently crying boy.

"Why are you crying...I'm the one who should be crying"

doyoung said as he wiped the overflowing tears of the other with his thumb.

"When s-something bad happen to the person I love...I get really emotional"

taeyong said in a whisper between his hiccups from all the crying.

The pinkhead confessed something really personal and it was audible enough for doyoung to hear.

"Do you love me?"

꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

{For the so called 'father' that hurt doyoung and his mom}

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{For the so called 'father' that hurt doyoung and his mom}

「𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 ; 𝒅𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒆 」Where stories live. Discover now