.°🍧! | 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 ❞

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The thunderstorm finally passed by. doyoung made sure that it was safe for the headphones to be taken off.

"Is it over?"

taeyong asked when doyoung withdrew the headphones from his ears.

"Yeah. Everything is okay now"

doyoung said in a soothing voice. He felt the need to protect taeyong at all costs. The pink haired male softly smiled as he heard that relieving news. Both boys were cuddling on the couch for a duration of time. And this was with taeyong leaning his head against doyoung's chest, while doyoung was playing in taeyong's hair most of the time. taeyong had a sensation of being lost in an ethereal realm while being in doyoung's arms. He desired to stay there forever but he has to go back to the uni dorms because his best friend must be worried sick.

"Um... Thank you for everything today but I think I have to go"

"But it's late...the neighborhood is not safe at night"

doyoung said with a hint of worry in his voice.

He didn't want the boy to leave.

"awwww you are worried about me"

taeyong said as he gently pinched doyoung's cheeks. doyoung reciprocated the action which results in an automatic blush from the pinkhead followed by a cutely contagious giggle.

"I'll be just fine"

taeyong reassured as he forced himself to stop the cute cuddle with doyoung and began to pack his things. As if this were all planned, a series of messages appear on taeyong's cellphone:

I know where you are 😏

I'm okay and not worried sick about you if u're asking

Are you okay tho? Cuz u know the storm must have taken a huge toll on u like before-


I'm glad you are okay :D

yeah I'm. doie was there for me (◕ᴗ◕✿)

OK great!
have fun while u're there
but not too much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lol not the lenny-



꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

taeyong smiled at his phone. he checked the time and it was 10:28 PM. doyoung was right, it was late. taeyong then stared out of the window and saw that outside was pitch black and he is not really a huge fan of the dark.

"I guess I'm your roommate for tonight then"

taeyong announced.

"But I wanna be more than just your roommate for every night though"

doyoung stated while he donned a cute look of innocence on his face.

taeyong been realizing that he is always blushing more often than usual when he is literally breathing the same air as doyoung in the same place.

doyoung in his entirety will be the death of taeyong.

a stutter escaped as he asked the question.

"w-where is the closet at?"

"I came out of the closet years ago and I have no intention of going back in lmao"

came doyoung's response. taeyong laughed at the closet joke. He always loved the closet jokes lol. doyoung pointed to where the closet was located; he guessed that taeyong will change into one of his clothes. As long as it's taeyong he doesn't have a care in the world. taeyong then stole the hoodie he wanted from the closet and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He came out looking like this:

doyoung's hoodie was a little oversized for taeyong so it looks like a hoodie dress and it gave sweater paws

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doyoung's hoodie was a little oversized for taeyong so it looks like a hoodie dress and it gave sweater paws.

doyoung thought that he looked very cute in his clothes.

So they spend their night by eating homemade noodles, drinking, munching on snacks and binge watching various Netflix series.

"Let's watch a movie"

doyoung suggested. taeyong responded with an okay. The movie was based on a true story in the horror genre which is not yet known to taeyong until he viewed the first few seconds of the movie.

doyoung doesn't know this but taeyong is definitely not a fan of movies located under the horror genre.

In the middle part of the movie, taeyong held onto doyoung's arms for dear life as it shows the bloody and gory scenes.

doyoung in the meanwhile is uwuing over the actions of the other every. single. time.

when the movie was on the closing credits, doyoung saw that taeyong fell asleep on his shoulders. The raven haired male carried the pinkhead bridal style to his room and placed him on the bed.

doyoung gave the sleeping beauty one last look then went out to sleep on the couch.

꒰ 🌸 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 🍭"♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯

「𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 ; 𝒅𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒆 」Where stories live. Discover now