Day 7 : Chance

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3rd person pov

Today zhehan went too early to the college.. today was the seventh day.. zhehan marks everyday on his calendar... And now he has some hope and confidence that maybe gongjun would return his feelings

Zhehan was in the canteen.. miles Wei and Jin wei were back hugging each other and wei ning was side hugging zhehan.. they were waiting for gongjun and Zhou ye

After 13 minutes later gongjun and Zhou ye came and joined them... Zhou ye was as always cheerful and bright.. as soon as she stepped in the canteen she came and hit wei ning on the back of his head.. it became a habit of her

Everything was Normal but only one thing wasn't was gongjun.. gongjun wasn't behaving like any other days... usually gongjun would also come excitingly and would ask a bunch of questions and would backhug zhehan

But today gongjun was extremely calm and quiet.. it seemed like someone drained his energy from him.. zhehan went to gongjun's and was about to ask gongjun what happened but he was stopped by the bell which indicated that it was time for their class

The whole class went like this.. and the next few classes Also went like this until lunch break .. he wanted to ask gongjun but didn't got the chance

It was currently lunch time, gongjun, zhehan, Wei ning, zhou ye, miles wei and fan jinwei were seated together.. no one still didn't dared to mess with Gongjun cuz he was still the cold beauty but after meeting zhehan he got a bit warm

Zhehan Went to sit beside gongjun.. their other friends were doing crazy things.. only gongjun and zhehan were the calm one.. zhehan cleared his throat to attract gongjun's attraction which he miserably failed since the said boy didn't even spare a glance

He tried the Same technique again but failed.. he was getting frustrated now.. zhehan grabbed gongjun's arm and turned him to his direction... Gongjun gave him a tired look.. "what happened to you?"zhehan asked..."what happened to you?"gongjun mimicked

Zhehan narrowed his eyes"I am being serious gongjun! What happened to you?""I am fine why?"replied gongjun"you are not ok.. something is ok.. and I won't sit in peace unless I don't know what happened to you"zhehan said in dominating tone and gongjun was sure that there was no chance of him winning in this conversation.."it's about my parents"zhehan's eye softened at the words.."wanna share?"gongjun immediately shaked his head"it's ok junjun... remember I am always here for you"with that zhehan pulled him into a soft hugWhich gongjun immediately melted into

The last bell rang indicating that the class was over and it was time to go home.. everyone packed their bags and left only gongjun, zhou ye and zhehan was left

Zhehan grabbed gongjun's wrist and told Zhou ye to go home alone and they would be joining later.. gongjun was confused what was happening but he believed zhehan

Gongjun and zhehan left the school gate.. zhehan was still holding gongjun's hand.. they walked for about 16 minutes and gongjun was getting bored and tired of it

After 2 more minutes zhehan stopped and gongjun also stopped.. gongjun looked around to see where they are... They were standing in a corner under a bridge.. on his right side was a river..and on the other side of the river was a open field.. it was the place where cherry blossom are seen but the place gongjun and zhehan were standing was new

Gongjun never been to this place But from this place he could see the full view of cherry blossom trees and river.. it was a gorgeous sight even though there were no cherry blossom since it was summer time.. just empty but still it was so beautiful

"Yknow when I first transferred here I discovered this place while roaming like a drunk person.. I was very sad that day but this place immediately lit up me.. I really like here.. I feel free here and that's why I brought you here to relieve your stress.. I don't know what you are going through but the gongjun I know would never give up.. I know you can overcome your problems.. just stay strong and sometimes use Ur heart instead of brain" said zhehan while looking at gongjun

After hearing those words Gongjun couldn't bear to make a eye contact with zhehan but zhehan wasn't going to give up like this.. zhehan grabbed gongjun's chin making him look at him.. and how much gongjun regretted seeing those eyes

When gongjun looked into zhehan's eyes all he saw was true care and sincerity.. care for gongjun, worries for gongjun, encouraged for gongjun everything was showing on his eyes but there was one thing which left gongjun speechless.. he saw a feeling in zhehan's eyes for him which he don't know anything about

He never saw zhehan like this and now it was making him drown in thoughts.. no words were leaving from his mouth.. "do you understand junjun?"and there that magical spell was there again.. gongjun didn't see anything else except zhehan.. it seems like he was in some dream he didn't even know what zhehan said he just nodded

They sat near the river looking at the sky.. but gongjun was looking at zhehan.. he was fighting with himself that should he trust zhehan or not? Should he give him a chance or not

"I was sad bcz of my parents.. from my childhood me and Zhou ye were always alone. They never had time for us .. They only cared about the money they only cared about their business.."gongjun paused since it was very difficult for him to let it all out.. zhehan didn't said anything he wanted gongjun to let it all out from his chest

"We just wanted love not money, we wanted to spend tons of time with them but they never gave us the chance.. you know last night they came back from their business trip they didn't even bother to talk with us.. I don't even know how long we haven't talked with each other... They might even forgot that they have a son and daughter.. maybe they hate us for our rude and coldness"by the time gongjun said this his eyes had tears in them

"Of course they remember"zhehan wiped the tears that left gongjun's eyes"you and Zhou ye always understood them and their work.. they are very lucky to have you guys.. I used to think that you Both were spoiled rich kids but in reality you Both were just normal kids who wanted love and affection from their parents.. you think that they hate you guys but what if your parents also think the same.. what if they think that you guys hate them and that's why they don't approach you Both since they don't know what to talk about.. maybe they are also feeling guilty.. junjun family is not about a person or two person.. Everyone creates a family together, everyone's opinion matters, everyone's emotions matter and sometimes everyone has to make a sacrifice.. so why don't you sacrifice your ego and try to talk with them first? It's not that hard start with greetings first... Everyone has their different way of showing affection and love Don't misunderstand them bcz of it... At least give them a chance... One chance won't hurt"zhehan's words moved gongjun

Gongjun never thought from their prospective.. he always thought about his and Zhou ye's feelings but they never paid attention to what their parents felt.. maybe it won't hurt to give a Chance

"I have decided I would give them a chance and try to start from zero"gongjun said while flashing his signature smile... zhehan and gongjun were Both happy and relieved to talk about it

"I wish you would give me a chance Also"

Hehe I am back from hospital and now I would try to update more and make it up to u guys ♪♪

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