Day 9: confession?

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3rd person pov

To say zhehan was over excited about today.. He was going to confess gongjun.. His life depends on today.. Today was Zhou ye's birthday too which means gongjun is in a good mood so it was a win win situation for him

Yesterday gongjun's reaction about zhehan was also positive so zhehan was totally confident about today..

Zhehan was currently in his room choosing a outfit first he thought of wearing his favourite sweater but sweater in a club... It's a bit odd so zhehan changed the idea

He was looking through his wardrobe in search of a suitable outfit for last he found one

He wore a black silk shirt.. And underneath he wore a silver coloured waist chain.. He shivered at the cold sensation of the chain

The back of the shirt was transparent.. Revealing his milky white skin and the waist chain

He wore a black leather pant and took a jacket.. He put on a smokey makeup.. Light shade lipstick..he put on some eye liner.. He wore some accessories

A necklace, a cross designed earring on left ear and on the right ears ear ring was simple.. It was only a metal stick dangling in the air..he wore a simple chain bracelet and a 2 silver necklace

He looked at him last time on the morning.. He was fully ready.. He looked at the mirror and winked at it.. "Hey handsome~" zhehan began to laugh at his own joke

He went downstairs to meet his mother.. "Ma where are you?! " zhehan asked coming downstairs.. "Here in the kitchen" zhehan walked over to the kitchen and saw his mom was cooking some snacks.. Zhehan's stomach growled seeing the snacks

"It's for my friends.. Don't even think about eating it you little shit" his mom glared at him.. Zhehan immediately raised his hand in defense.. Both started to laugh at each other's dramatic behavior

"How do I look mom? " asked zhehan moving right, left and behind showing his mom his outfit.. "You look absolutely beautiful honey... Someone's going to laid tonight~" zhehan whined as his mom teased him

"Mom should I really confess? "" honey you should confess.. Don't think about the outcome just say your feelings.. Don't be pretentious.. Just say what you really feel.. Don't need to show him your best side.. Show him your all him the real you..we can't force someone to fall in love but the way he looks at you I can surely say he loves you "Mrs Zhang reassured

" what if he doesn't feel the same? "" if he really is your soulmate then no matter what happens you would be together.. Now stop thinking negative things.. Give it a chance "zhehan gave Mrs Zhang a warm smile and hugged her

" go now you gonna be late""oh yeah!! Bye bye love you mom"zhehan said while pecking his mom on cheeks

Zhehan was on his car driving towards the club gongjun told him to go.. It was gongjun's father's club that's why gongjun decided to throw a party there

He reached the club and parked his car.. Beside his car fan jin wei's car was already there indicating miles wei and fan jin wei already arrived

Zhehan reached the front door and opened it..a strong smell of alcohol and sweat hit his nose.. He scrunched his nose and went inside.. Many people's body made contact with him someone's hand touched him or someone's shoulder.. Zhehan was s bit uncomfortable but still he went inside the crowd.. Soon he saw zhou weight and wei ning

"Hi han ge! "Zhou ye ran over to zishu as soon as she saw him and hugged him.. "Hiii and happy birthday little devil" they both laughed "where's my gift?? "" wait am I supposed to bring any gift...? "Teased zhehan.. Zhou ye whined and hit him

" ok ok stop teasing now btw zhehan you look... Hot as hell"as soon as fan jin wei said it he got smacked by none other than miles wei... Zishu pulled out a small box and gave it Zhou ye

The box was wrapped in cream white coloured and a pink coloured ribbon was tied on top of it.. Zhou ye opened the box and gasped.. It had a beautiful necklace in it

It had a golden leaf design in the center.. There were some stones placed on top of the necklace.. It was a platinum necklace. And it was indeed a beautiful necklace

"Yay! I love it!! Thanks han ge!!!" Zhou ye bounced on her place in excitement..

"What's going on here" a deep voice was heard from the background.. They all looked at the voice direction and saw gongjun was standing there

Gongjun was wearing a V neck shirt.. It was Navy blue coloured and a cloth was wrapped around gongjun's neck.. He wore a black pant.. He wore some rings and some lockets

Gongjun's mouth was agape seeing zhehan.. His breathing stopped.. He widened his eyes so much that it could pop out any time.

Everyone chuckled at them while zhehan was tomato.. "Zhehan...?"

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