what's love?

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3rd person pov
The lunch time was over. Zhehan and wening got up ,waved at each other and went for their classes... Gongjun had different class so zhehan couldn't see him..so with a pout zhehan finished his classes.. it was time for him to leave..he got up and packed his bag and was about to leave but accidentally bumped into someone.. well it wasn't his fault this time though..he once again fell on his butt..he was sure that if he keeps falling like this then soon his all bone's are gonna break.. he looked up to see which blind person bumped into him but as soon as his eyes fell on the person he made a mental note that even if his bone's break he still wanna bump into this person again and again.. zhehan gave gongjun a gummy smile and said"we both are now even. First I bumped into you and now u bumped into me.. it's really our destiny"gongjun frowned and said"it's not my fault,who could possibly notice a shorty like you and it was you who came into my way...please do me a favour don't bump into me or get in my way again""I am not shorty it's you who is giant"snapped back zhehan..and from here their bickering starts and just like next time they both still couldn't notice that someone was watching them. But it's little different from last time. Last time only one group was watching them but this time two groups were watching them with intense gaze... ever since everyone saw zhehan and gongjun together they all forgot about everything and made two groups one was junzhe shipper and other one was junzhe hatter..(they were of course gongjun's solo fans) back to zhehan and gongjun,,after some minutes of bickering gongjun was flaming with anger he didn't wanted to use violencehe so he just pushed zhehan and went away.. zhehan was still in shock..he just wanted to talk with him and when he saw the taller guy was talking with him (or u can say insulting him) he couldn't resist himself..he thought maybe this way he can make gongjun his friend but he misunderstood the boy..but still zhehan didn't want to give up..he made a promise to himself that he would make this guy his friend..(only friends you know what I mean right;)... Zhehan got out of his college and was about to walk home but then his mom came..he got into the car and they both went to home.. after coming home zhehan couldn't even sit..his mom constantly started interrogating him..."how was your first day at college??Did u made friends? Did u behaved properly?how was the teachers?did anyone tried to hook up with u?!btw did u by any chance got any boyfriend or girlfriend??did anyone builled you??how was the teachers? did u exchange numb-"zhehan cut his mom's word in middle and started his speech"the college was good. It wasn't like my previous school..I made some friends. teachers were also very nice.. everyone welcomed me warmly. And for your most kind information I went there to study not to get myself in a love relationship (although zhehan has a crush on gongjun and he knows but he won't admit) I exchanged number with few and everyone helped me with notes..now tell me how was your day?""I got to know many people and they all are so friendly I got an new assistant also.. she is very loving and sweet..""Glad to hear that ma now let me go and freshen up then we can eat"said zhehan with a sweet smile. As zhehan was about to go his room his mom called him again"Are you really happy hanhan? Please promise that you won't lie to me like before and would tell me everything.. your ma loves you a lot hanhan..I can't bear to lose you"said zhehan's mom.."ma I promise I would share everything with you..this time I won't let destiny repeat itself and I am really happy"zhehan said with a soft tone he kissed his mom's forehead and went to his room


Gongjun's pov
After coming from college I went to my room..Zhou ye went to shopping with Mr lee (their caretaker).. after finishing my shower I went to complete my homework.. whenever i tried to focus on study I couldn't stop thinking about that shorty... even his thought made me angry..I hate him..I won't let this boy come near me again.. who the hell does he thinks he is that he talked with me in that rude tone..who knew that a angel like pretty boy would be so annoying. Wait why I am even complimenting him..he isn't pretty,he doesn't look like angel,, ughhh why doesn't he get out of my thoughts.."ge have you became deaf"said Zhou ye..I came back into reality"huh?"I asked Zhou ye."I have been calling you since five minutes but you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even noticed my presence"zhou ye just snapped at me.."I was just thinking about something.. have you finished your shopping and wait why are you in my room?"I asked her..she just chuckled and said"ge my shopping is finished I came here to call you for dinner but here you are dreaming with eyes open.. anyways what are thinking about??huh?did you find any lover huh??"zhou ye was teasing me.."if u wanna stay alive then get out now I am coming and mostly I don't believe in love!!"I said with a slight angry tone.. Zhou ye just pouted and left away...


After changing into my pajamas I went to my bed..I already finishey studies and now I was listening jay Chou songs... suddenly a question crossed my mind. What's love?How does it feel to be in love?is it good or bad? bitter or sweet?is it difficult or easy??I really had no idea about love..I cleared every thought from my mind and went to sleep

(To be continued)

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