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The potion would be ready a few days before the Christmas break started. It was a difficult process, and it was nearly impossible to find anything of its nature. It was a one-of-a-kind thing. There wasn't a book on it in anywhere within Hogwarts. I'd only heard rumours of such a potion even existing.

But while visiting the Longknight estate the previous year, I had discovered the solution to my future problems well hidden within the depths of the library. It was the only potion recorded in history to mimic the causes of a natural death. It was banned from schools and public access entirely. It was also the only natural death potion that could not be traced in any way, shape or form. It left no evidence in its wake. No proof that it had ever been there.

Saeva natura.

Cruel nature.

The ingredients were only enough for a single dose and incredibly cutthroat to come by. I had pulled major string to steal ingredients from Slughorn, risked everything to plant the organism essential for the potion and treaded deep into the muggle world for the rest. I had gone through hell to ensure I had everything necessary to perfect this.

Well almost everything. The potion would remain ineffective until a drop of blood from a relative of the intended target was given. Be it aunt, or brother or niece. If they shared even an inkling of DNA it would work.

The obvious problem was that I knew of no possible living relatives to Dumbledore.

I didn't care if I had to dig up graves. I would have my kill.

That was of course if Cerelia kept her mouth shut and Dumbledore himself eased up on his suspicions.

He was still watching me intently, convinced that I was not just an average gifted young wizard. He was right, of course but I had to throw him off track. I had to seem like I cared about things regular wizards my age cared about. Cerelia granted me that opportunity.

Which is why I was searching for her at that very moment. She hadn't come to dinner where I had hoped to steal her away to the Slytherin table, knowing full well that Dumbledore would be watching me.

I waited outside the Great Hall as everyone was leaving, praying that Saelihn wasn't with Pria. It would be much harder to gain access to her whereabouts with prudish Pria up my arse. I was in luck it seemed. Saelihn left the great hall with a Ravenclaw girl I didn't know, I lightly tugged her sleeve, and she whirled around still mid laugh. All traces of amusement faded as she locked eyes with me. The girl next to her studied us intently but said nothing.

"May I speak to you in private."

She swallowed thickly before excusing herself from the girl she had been talking to and leading the way to a nearby classroom. She closed the door behind us as I leaned against a desk. I hadn't even gotten a chance to start my sentence before she was firing off.

"I know what you're thinking but it isn't like that between us. I really like him, and I think he likes me too. I swear its not just about sleeping together, I mean we haven't even kissed yet. I just feel like he understands me, and he has this depth to him. He is so much more than the class clown and I know you don't really know me and you're his best friend, I get that. But I swear I won't hurt him. I really care about him. He makes me feel seen, like I'm more than just the names everyone calls me behind my back. Just give me a chance Tom I swear I will not mess this up. He cares about you; he respects your opinion, and if you tell him I'm no good..." She trailed off.

I stared at her, unimpressed. She squirmed beneath my gaze. My flat look should have been answer enough to her pointless ramble. She opened her mouth, probably about to go on another rant about how great Alatar makes her feel, but a put up a hand to stop her. She had it wrong anyway, Alatar would shag who he wanted, regardless of my opinion.

Making Us~T. RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now