Chapter 2

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A loud, incessant barking startled him awake - 'when had he fallen asleep?' - and the noise of a door slamming shut followed shortly after, the sound reverberating distinctly around the small house. Footsteps could be made out creeping closer and closer to the room he was in until they turned at the last moment.

The flames of the once bright fire were now mere sparks trickling once again, the logs had long since burnt out and the crackling had ceased, only the ashen smell lingered in the fancy room. The curtains on the open window swayed calmly in the breeze that was still coursing slowly through it and the cape draped softly over his shoulders kept the cold of the wind away from his sensitive skin.


The thought came as his brain registered the meaning of the pattering footsteps.

'Someone's here'

*AN: Sorry this chapter's so short, got a lot of schoolwork. The next one should be longer though :D*

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