Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

As Harry and Ron inquired about my summer, I found myself distracted by the hushed murmurs emanating from outside our compartment. Curiosity piqued, I halted in my tracks, prompting my two friends to follow suit.

"What is that?" Ron's voice broke through the air, echoing my own thoughts.

With a sense of apprehension, I slid open the compartment door, revealing a scene that instantly captured our attention.

There, amidst a group of students, stood Y/n Malfoy, infamous for her aloof demeanor and icy reputation. The mere mention of her name sparked a teasing reaction from Harry and Ron, their playful tones tinged with mischief.

"Ohhh, it's Y/n Malfoy~" they chimed in unison, their words laced with exaggerated emphasis.

Annoyance flickered across my features at their jesting, my patience wearing thin at their relentless teasing. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Y/n, knowing all too well the discomfort of having one's crush subjected to scrutiny and ridicule.

"Can you two stop it right now?" I interjected sharply, my tone betraying my irritation. Yet, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Harry and Ron continued their banter, oblivious to my growing frustration.

With a resigned sigh, I closed the compartment door, shutting out the prying eyes of our classmates and seeking solace within the confines of our shared space.

As the train rattled towards Hogwarts, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of my mind. Despite my best efforts to focus on the journey ahead, my thoughts kept drifting back to Y/n, her presence lingering like a ghost in the recesses of my consciousness.

Alone in my room, I allowed myself a moment of respite, sinking into the comforting embrace of familiar surroundings. Yet, amidst the quiet solitude, my thoughts continued to stray, lingering on the unresolved feelings that simmered beneath the surface.

"Hmm... I need new books"

I murmured to myself, the distraction of literary adventures offering a welcome reprieve from the tumultuous emotions that threatened to consume me. With a determined resolve, I made a mental note to visit the Hogwarts library at the earliest opportunity, eager to lose myself in the pages of a new literary escape and perhaps find the clarity I sought amidst the chaos of my own conflicted heart.

Author's POV

Hermione adjusted the stack of books she had gathered as she made her way through the rows of shelves in the Hogwarts library. The familiar scent of old parchment and leather-bound tomes enveloped her as she navigated the aisles, her footsteps echoing softly against the polished stone floor.

"Good afternoon, Madam Pince"

She greeted the librarian with a warm smile as she passed the front desk, her eyes already scanning the titles of the books lining the shelves.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Granger" 

Madam Pince replied with a nod, her attention already turning back to the task at hand.

Finding her way to the potion book aisle, Hermione immersed herself in the wealth of knowledge contained within the pages of the various volumes. Time seemed to slip away as she lost herself in the intricate details of potion-making, her mind focused solely on the task at hand.

It was only when she heard voices drifting from behind the nearby shelf that she was drawn back to the present moment. Curiosity piqued, she set aside her current book and cautiously made her way towards the source of the sound.

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