Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

As Ron mentioned Y/n's friends Maxima Trevor and Samantha Cole, I couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. But before we could delve deeper into our speculation, I interjected with a suggestion to head to our next class, attempting to lighten the mood with a touch of humor.

"Let's just go to our next class. I'm sure Hermione doesn't want to skip that"

I said, stifling a giggle as I glanced at Hermione, who rolled her eyes playfully. Ron, ever eager for a plan, proposed a scheme involving Y/n's friends.

"I mean, Maxima and Samantha, they're her friends. Maybe... maybe we could trick them into telling us"

He suggested, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Hermione, always the voice of reason, scoffed at the idea.

"Scoff  Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way... Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about 50 school rules, and it'll be dangerous. Very dangerous..."

She trailed off, her expression serious as she contemplated the potential risks. As our gazes met, a silent understanding passed between us. Despite the danger, the allure of uncovering the truth about the Chamber of Secrets beckoned us forward, igniting a spark of determination within each of us. With Hermione's brilliant mind leading the way, we knew that no obstacle would stand in our path, even if it meant bending a few rules along the way.

As Hermione located the book we needed amidst the labyrinth of shelves in the library, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. She held up the book triumphantly, revealing its title

"The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another"

Hermione read aloud, her voice tinged with excitement. Ron's eyes widened in realization.

"You mean if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Trevor and Cole?"

He exclaimed, his excitement matching Hermione's. Hermione nodded enthusiastically.


Ron's enthusiasm bubbled over.

"Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything"

He exclaimed, already imagining the possibilities. Hermione, ever the voice of reason, tempered our excitement with a note of caution.

"Exactly, but it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion"

She admitted, her brow furrowing as she scanned the dense text. Concern crept into my voice as I considered the implications.

"Well, how long will it take to make?"

I inquired, dreading her response.

"A month"

Hermione replied, her tone grave.

"A month?! But Hermione, if Malfoy is really the Heir of Slytherin, she could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then"

I protested, my mind racing with the potential dangers. Hermione's expression softened with empathy, but determination gleamed in her eyes.

"I know, but it's the only plan we've got"

She affirmed, her voice resolute. With a shared sense of purpose, we accepted the challenge before us, knowing that the path ahead would be fraught with obstacles. But with Hermione's expertise guiding us, we were ready to face whatever lay ahead in our quest to uncover the truth about the Chamber of Secrets.

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