Fading Off

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The last time, I finally got myself into a good space -- having learned how to exist without them. I mourned them, I mourned us.

(How sad is that? To mourn someone who is still alive and who takes up so much space in your head, heart, and soul.)

Then they came back - full force - full of promises and saying if we're together how can we work this and that out. And promising to be good to me, good for me.

And then, slowly, they drifted off...

What's more shocking is how they could lie to me - and so freaking easily, too - and be like "it's just roleplay", it's just a game of pretend; how can you let games bother you when real problems exist?

How could they not just be honest with me, instead?

They weren't busy with work.
I would see them online, talking to other people, all day.
They were juggling multiple jobs - and yet they have the time and energy and emotional capacities for everyone else - but me.
Yet they claim to be my friend.

I'm the kind of person to them who gets spoken to when no one else is around.

They slowly stopped calling me; and then the messages slowly came to an end, too.

--- Ink and Wander

Butterfly - 12th poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now