How upsetting is that?
All the effort and hard work I put into supporting someone who was at their rock bottom - for years upon years - the second they're a little bit better off, they leave me for someone else - like I'm some remedial home - a stop and go for every time someone else hurts them
And now Someone else who gets to enjoy all the fruits of my hard labour.
And I'm left, right here, bleeding at the typewriter; back at square one.--- Ink and Wander
Butterfly - 12th poetry collection
PoesieA rainbow is bursting from within me. This is my 12th collection. Poetry collections (written in this order) : 1) Poetry 2) Cathartic 3) Masquerade 4) Compass 5) Reverie 6) Stars Above Me 7) Melodies 8) Caterpillar 9) Musings 10) Stoicism 11) Chry...