UA day 1

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"Y/n Wakey wakey" Keiko poked her grandson awake.
"Mmmm" Y/n groaned before turning away.
"Oh well" Then Keiko hit his side with her cane.
"OW, Ok ok I'm awake" Y/n said holding his side, looking towards his grandmother.
"Good get changed and come eat UA starts today" Keiko smiled.

Y/n didn't have to do any of the entrance exams due to his quirk. It would've been useful but he doesn't want anyone panicking. Neither did any of the UA teachers. Y/n got out of bed and got into the uniform.

'God this thing is fucking ugly' Y/n said looking at himself in the mirror.
"Graaa" L yawned who was asleep on the ground next to Y/ns bed.
"Morning L" Y/n said rubbing the dark types head.
L smiled before getting up. Y/n walked out of his room to meet Keiko in the kitchen.
"Good morning Y/n come eat" Keiko smiled while sipping some tea.
Y/n sat down and started munching on some toast. L went to his food bowl and started to eat.
"I can't believe my grandson is going to UA" Keiko smiled at Y/n.

"Yeah me either" Y/n but less enthusiasm.
"Oh don't be so moody I know you don't like school, I certainly didn't" Keiko spoked relating from her own experience in UA.
"I guess I should get going before I'm late" Y/n said getting up and placing his dish in the sink.

Y/n summoned Ls Pokéball and retreaded L back in his Pokéball.
"Your bags by the door all packed and ready" Keiko called from the kitchen.

Y/n nodded and grabbed his bag and headed out the door. Y/n walked towards the bus stop, UA was to far to walk to. Y/n stood at the Bus stop. There was another person with the UA uniform. He had green bush like hair, freckles, and green eyes. The green haired boy looked to Y/n and thought *woah another person wonder what his quirk is like*.

The bus arrived and opened the door, Y/n and the boy stepped on. Y/n sat down in an empty seat.
"Hey can I-I s-sit with you" The green haired boy asked.
"Sure I don't really care" Y/n then looked out the window.
The green haired boy sat next to them, the silence was kinda akward.
"W-what's y-your n-name" The green haired boy stuttered.
"Y/n L/n" Y/n said not looking at Bush boy.
"I'm I-Izuku Midoriya" The boy now known as Izuku said looking towards Y/n *Hes kinda mysterious I didn't even see him at the entrance exam...* Izuku thought.

"Y you starting at me?" y/n asked finally looking towards Izuku

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"Y you starting at me?" y/n asked finally looking towards Izuku.
"O-oh sorry" Izuku said looking towards the Purple/pinkish eyed teen.
"Whatever" Y/n said before looking back out the window.

The bus finally stopped at UA. Y/n and Izuku got off.
Izuku feeling awkward as the boys walked up to the school, he started a conversation.

"Hey L/n what class are you in" Izuku asked.
"A1" Y/n said hands in his pocket.
"O-oh me to" Izuku smiled. Y/n just hummed in response.
"L/n why d-didn't I-I see you a-at the entrance exam?" Izuku asked the Blackish purplish haired boy.
"I was, excluded for reason I don't have to tell you" Y/n said not even looking at Izuku's eyes.
*How strange..* Izuku thought looking forward.

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