Choosing ceremony

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Today was the day. The day of the choosing. I woke with the sun shining on my face and hesitantly got out of bed. I stretched before putting on our usual attire. I did the same amount of makeup I do everyday, and went downstairs. I hair still hung by my butt like yesterday and I grabbed an apple for breakfast. Wasn't too hungry this morning.

"Hey Ror, let's go" My brother says as him and my parents walk in also ready. I smile and we head off to the ceremony.

When we walked into to building the whole room was filled with all the different factors sitting in their own section of seating. Mom and Dad find us a spot and we sit down. Dante and I held hands as support for one an other. It didn't take long for the ceremony to begin.

"The faction system is a living being, composed of cells. All of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future longs to those who know where they belong. When we leave this room you will no longer be dependants but full grown members of our society. The faction before blood"

The name calling began and the more names called the more nervous I was getting. I felt a hand on my knee and looked to see my mom smiling down at me.

"I love you, no matter what" She says. I smile back at her. She has no idea how much it means to me.

"Dante Diaz" The man calls out. I look at Dante and give him a reassuring squeeze. He walked down and cuts his hand with the knife. A couple seconds later he holds his hand over erudite and his blood drips in the pot. The erudite factions starts cheering loudly. My eyes widened in shock. A smile broke out onto my face and I started clapping. Yeah I didn't see that coming but I will always want him to be happy. He looks at me and a sigh of relief breaks out onto his face. I wink at him and he sits in his new faction.

"Aurora Diaz"

It took me a while but I eventually stand up and walk down to the platform. I was handed the blade and I sliced it across my palm. It stung but I didn't flinch. I looked over at my parents and then to Dante. He gave me a curt nod. I took a deep breath knowing my decision. I held my hand over the bowl and let the blood drop.

"Dauntless" The man says. I heard gasps from the abnegation faction and cheers from dauntless. I looked over at my parents. Dad looked sad, while mom looked...proud? I couldn't tell. Dante looked shocked and kind of smug. He had a smirk on his face as he clapped for me. Almost as if he knew I'd choose dauntless. I smiled slightly and sat down in the dauntless section.

Once the ceremony was over it was time for us to go to the dauntless head quarters. They started running and my heavy drapes weren't helping so I shrugged my sweater off revealing my grey tank top. I'll take my skirt off on the train since I was wearing leggings under it. I started running faster until I was at the front of the group. All of that running had paid off. They started climbing up the train tracks and I followed. Some people had more trouble then others. Once on the tracks I saw the train coming. People then start jumping on it. I laughed as my feet took off the ground and I grabbed the train.

My hair whipped in the wind as the adrenaline rush calmed down a bit. I looked down at my skirt and slid it off, thankfully that I will no longer have to wear these clothes anymore. I started walking when I almost tripped over a pair of legs. I turn around and I see two girls laying on the floor.

"Sorry" they say out of breath. I chuckle.

"It's all good" I look at the one girl and point at her. "Your the other girl from abnegation, right?"

"Yep. I'm Beatrice" She says.

"As I'm Christina" the other one says.

"Aurora Diaz" I say shaking their hands.

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