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The next morning I woke up especially early and got dressed. Once I was done getting ready I went over to Tris and shook her.

"What?" She asks.

"You're coming with me. If you really want to stay in dauntless you're going to have to work for it" I say pulling her out of bed. It took her no time to get ready before we went down to the training room. We started with punching bags. We got to punching and I would occasionally try my best to correct something on her part. I know I wasn't very skilled either but I picked up a few things from watching Four.

"Keep your elbows up" I say. She nods and continues. I nod and grab a sip of water. As I drank I noticed Four walk in. The two of us stared at each other and I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over him. I wanted to be as confident as him, as brave and strong as him. And I was determined to prove I was. My eyes snapped back to him face and I then realized I was staring at him, and it was confirmed when his lips twitched up into a smirk. I gave him a deadpanned look before turning around back to the bags. Jerk. What for? I wasn't sure.


Next was shooting. I gave Tris small tips and once we started shooting she was only hitting the targets. I smile as we both go down the line hitting the centre. We repeated the same thing for 4 days and when we checked the board her name was at 26, and mine was at 2. I pulled her into a hug.

"You're gonna be dauntless" I say.

"Thank you" She says. I nod.

Tris and I stood in front of the bags and began hitting. My knuckles were raw and red and split open but I kept going. After a few minutes I felt someone's presence behind me and turned around to see non other then Four observing my work. I didn't stop and kept punching the bag.

"Keep tension here" he says turning my hips. My breath gets caught in my throat at the sudden contact. " go on offence, you're fast. That's why you won last time. Next time attack first. If you get inside jab to the throat"

"Four!" Someone called him breaking our eye contact.

"Keep working" he says before moving off. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and tried to contain the odd feeling in my stomach. I look over to see Tris smirking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing" she says. I roll my eyes and correct my stance the way he told me too and got back to punching. A few seconds later we turned around to the sound of grunting. Christina was fighting the girl I fought a couple weeks ago. She was loosing and taking pretty hard hits.

"Come on Chris" Tris says. The girl kicked her in the stomach and then the face making Chris fall to the floor. She crawled away and told the girl to stop.

"Need to stop?" Eric asks. Chris nods out of breath. "Okay. Let me give you a hand" he helps her up and she thanks him.

"Alright lets everyone take a break" He calls out. Everyone gathers around and we start walking back. Chris walking beside Eric with his hand on her back. Tris and I shared a look.

"You uh, feeling a little better?" Eric asks her as we approach the crosswalk as I call it.

"Yeah, I'm fine" She says. He then pushes her and she yells. He grabs her hand and makes her hold onto the railing. If she lets go she would most definitely fall to her death. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. I could hear Christina's whimpers of fear.

"Hold onto the rail. Or don't. You got three options, hang there and I'll forget your cowardice, fall and die, or give up. But if you give up you're out" Eric says and my hands clench at my side in anger.

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