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I felt the bed dip and fluttered my eyes open. Four sat there and rubbed my arm. I smiled and flipped over onto my back.

"Morning" I say.

"Hey" He says moving a strand of hair out of my face. "Come on I wanna show you something"

"K" I whisper and get up. I put my clothes on and he led me to the room. I could hear what sounded like trucks being loaded.

"Look" he says pointing. I look over and I see Erudite's standing around loading stuff into the building.

"Erudite" I say.

"Yeah, they're here every morning. I've been watching them for weeks"

"What are they doing at dauntless?" I ask.

"Loading in supplies, Computers....And these" He says pulling out a small glass tube with a honey coloured liquid in it.

"What is it?" I ask examining it.

"I think it's some sort of cosmetic transmitter, you injected it like a serum"


"It's supposed to make you more susceptible to suggestion but, as many as they have, they could create an army" He says. My face contours in worry. What are they planning?

"Attention, all initiates report for final testing, all initiates report for final testing"  the coms says. I look down. What if they find out about me? Four moves my hair out of my face and looks at me.

"You're ready. You can do this" He says. I nod.


It was my turn for the test. It was a lot different from when it's just Four and I. Now there's a whole room of Erudite and dauntless going to be watching me. There was a chair in the centre of the room.

"They can see your hallucinations on the screen. So get passed your fears the way a dauntless would, and do it quickly" Four says walking by my side.

"If I do to good then they'll kill me, and if I'm too slow then I'll die" I say nodding.

"Right. Good luck" he nods before standing off to the side. I walk to the chair and I sit in it Tori was standing right beside it.

"Good luck Aurora. I hope you make it" She says. I smile at her. She injects the serum and I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, I'm back in the dark room trapped in cages. I sigh. Do what dauntless would do. I scan the room and then I notice keys hanging up on the wall not far away. I reach my arm as far as I can, I could feel the keys on the top of my fingers. After a couple seconds I grabbed them and smiled. I unlocked the cage, and the next, and the next. When I opened the last cage, I walked to the door and opened it. My eyes were met with a blinding light and I covered my eyes. Once I opened them again, I was in the glass box with water in it. It started filling up as fast as I remember and I had to think. I noticed the pipe where the water was coming through and took off my jacket. I took a deep breath and dove down and stuffed my jacket so the water couldn't get through. When I could breath again I noticed I was in Fours apartment. He walked towards me and started kissing me. At first it was sweet but then he started getting rougher and more pushy.

"Stop" I say but he doesn't and pushes me onto the bed.

"Aren't you dauntless?" He asks. I clench my jaw.

"I said stop!" I kick him where the sun don't shine and then the face. He grunts and falls off me.

I jolt awake and I'm back in the room with everyone. They all cheer and I get off the chair. I did it. Four walks over to me and I almost feel guilty that I had that fear.

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