Four fears

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"What happened?" Dante asks.

"I'm not gonna make it in dauntless" I say quietly. "I don't fit in there"

"You have to fit in there" He says.

"I can't" I say. I really wanted to tell him, more than anything. "I-I'm just not like them"

"Aurora, you are amazing. You could fit in any faction" He says rubbing my shoulder. I smile small.

"Maybe I can come back to abnegation" I say.

"You can't go back" He says sadly.

"Why not-"

"They are never gonna let you do that" He says clenching his jaw.

"Who?" I ask.

"Erudite" He says. "They're not gonna let abnegation break any more rules"

"They actually think they're running the government now?" I scoff.

"They might be soon" He says.

"Wait really?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's what all the other factions want now that abnegation'failed'" He says.

"No, no that's just what they are telling you guys" I say. He sighs and kisses my forehead. If they brainwash him, they'll never hear the end of it.

"Ror I think you should go now. And I know you, you fit into dauntless. I've never met someone so brave and courageous as you. Some people think that dauntless are self centred and rude, but you have qualities that most of them don't. You have a pure soul, and that's what makes you determined to fight for what's right" he says. I could feel tears reaching the set face and I pulled him into another hug.

"I love you" I say. He hugs me tighter.

"I love you too" he says. I went to leave but before I could he grabbed my hand. "Take this" he says handing me his watch.

"Dante I can't-"

"Just keep it safe for me. Until the next time I see you" He smiles. I return it and then go. I put the watch in my pocket as I went down the stairs. As I was going down the stairs two Erudite's spoke to me.

"I need you to come with me" He says. I ignore them and they grab my arms so I elbow one in the face.

"Stop" A feminine voice says. We look up to see Jeanine.

"Are you alright?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say as I straighten myself out.

The next thing I know I'm following her somewhere. She led me to a room with two chairs and a coffee table.

"Please sit down" She says doing so Herself. I take a seat. "I'm glad you came here today"

"You are?"

"Are you happy with your new faction?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say in all honesty.

"But you came to see your brother?"

"I just wanted to see him" I say.

"Have you seen your parents?"


"It's hard to let go" She says taking a sip of her tea. "The faction before blood. It's an important ideal. Something difficult to fulfill. It goes against our fundamental human nature. But that's exactly the weakness we need to overcome"

"You think that human nature is a weakness?" I ask.

"I think human nature is the enemy" She says. "It's human nature to keep secrets. Lie. Steal. I wanna eradicate that. How will we maintain a peaceful society. You would help me with that wouldn't you?"

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