General Follow Room

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➡️This room is for F4F trades only, trades other than F4F shall be removed. ***for general trading go to General Share Room chapter***

We have two ways to do this.

This is the easiest step. You must be following me for this to work. Also it's preferable if you stay true to yourself and follow people using your (Real Account) and not just backup accounts that you only use for advertising purposes and backup votes. No one wants a non active user.

The, "Follow me and I'll follow you using this account!" Is the greatest scam my love. Nu-uh. You don't want that trash trade, do you?

Also, point out that all the people in my follower tab are weebs and anime readers/authors. So, I think it's the suitable audience you would wanna be involved and surrounded with.

So don't be scared to follow, give them a proper time so they could follow you back, everyone has a busy life and they might be late to follow back. You don't have to DM them and tell them to follow you back at all. If you noticed they didn't follow you back for a quite long time, just unfollow. It's that easy.

First way:

Go to my follower tab and follow as many as you can. (Everyone who is following me are anime users who are willing to follow back)

This way if you are my follower, your account will be there, others will follow you. You on the other hand should follow back, if you intended not to follow back then you might lose followers.

Second way:

The traditional way, ask for F4F trade in the comments.

You can comment here:

🚩Follow trade

🚩Follow trade

🚩Follow trade

🚩Follow trade

🚩Follow trade

Or comment down below.

Survey: Comment here, the name of Anime Fandom you write for or are willing to read. (I'm going to organize a General Fandom follow section for each, so you have the right audience)

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