they don't listen

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the five assembled lions waited outside of the hangar they knew the black lion was being stored in, waiting for shiro to climb out of the green lion and approach.

maxe groaned, thinking of how the man was taking forever while her fingers tapped on the arm rest of her seat. she'd already been doing it for five minutes while waiting on the man to go ahead, and she could feel the annoyance from her lion as well.

"why do men have to take forever? seriously, it's so annoying. and they say that women are the ones that take forever while they wait on us," she scoffs, snorting, and amusement filters off the grey lion at her words. maxe smiles lightly, glad that the two of them seemed to have similar personalities. it would make their partnership in this war so much easier, getting along.

finally, she looked down and saw shiro approaching the huge doors, standing in front of them steadily. her lion lit up along with the others, and moments later, the doors of the hangar opened to reveal the huge, hulking form of the black lion.

"well, that's no fair," she grumbles. "why is the black lion the only one supped up like that? makes the rest of you guys look almost puny."

grey seems to huff in agreement, but she stands up on her legs and roars along with her sisters as a greeting. the redhead inhales sharply as she feels a sudden burst of affection and joy fill her, realizing it as her lion's emotions.

grey was so happy to be together with her family again. all of them in one place.

it made maxe feel more melancholic than she would like to admit, but she pushed those emotions away. if she was feeling grey's, then it was likely grey felt her emotions, and she didn't want to put a damper on the happy lion.

grey gave a soft roar of appreciation in her mind, and it wasn't long before they all had to leave the castle on allura's orders.

"sendak is entering the arusian atmosphere. we need voltron now!"

they follow after black, coming to a stop just inside the particle barrier. maxe glares as the fighters shoot at the barrier, barely doing any damage to it, but she frowns deeply when the ion cannon charges up and fires a harsh shot at them. she winced at the power of it, surrounding the castle in what almost looked like a fireball as aftermath, before it disappeared.

"man, those galra guys repair things fast," hunk comments, earning silent agreement from the redhead.

"the barrier gets weaker with every blast. once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless."

"i can give you cover with the castle defenses for a while, but you have to form voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!" allura states urgently, eliciting a harsh sigh from maxe. hunk voiced her thoughts about the pressure the princess was putting on her shoulder, but she leaned back in her seat as she tried to think of what to do.

if kaldur were here, he'd have thought of a plan. or dick, or maybe all of them would've come up with something by now instead of just waiting for the ion cannon to break through the damn barrier.

another shot was fired by the ion cannon, the barrier's durability wavering, and shiro lets out a loud grunt at the force of it.

"listen up, team voltron! the only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! this looks bad, but we can do this! are you with me?" the man exclaims.

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