Chapter 7

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 "And then I went and met up with Sophia and found you guys," Isaac said, blushing from the retelling of his doomed date. "Hm, I see," the firefighter nodded as she scribbled a short summary. While they were explaining what happened, Tessa noticed that Isaac and Sophia were holding hands the entire time. She grinned at this realization. Suddenly, one of the firefighters on the ladder cut off the branch that was caught on George's suit and he fell down. "OUCH!," He grunted. Paramedics rushed to his aid. Tessa tried to ask if he was ok, but the professionals told her to stay back. She peeked in and saw the paramedics shining a little flashlight into George's glacier-blue eyes. She began to worry, because he was clutching his right elbow. Tessa looked back at the tree and saw that Cornflakes was being gently pulled down by a crane that they had harnessed her into. The workers lifted George up and guided him towards the ambulance. Tessa took this opportunity to slip through the crowd. "George, that was quite a fall! Are you going to be ok?," she asked, gesturing towards his bruising arm. "I...don't know. They aren't sure if it's bad or not. What about you? Are you alright?," he asked. Tessa couldn't believe how selfless he was. "I'm...still trying to process all that's happened," she murmured. Just then, they were both given blankets by the firefighters, which they both gladly accepted, as it was a cold autumn night. George took her into a big hug and then said, "Don't worry, it's all over". The two were aggressively pulled apart by the paramedics. "Sorry, there's no room for you in here. You can meet with him at the hospital," one said. "See you later, alligator," George smiled as he was loaded into the ambulance. Just before they closed the double doors, he handed her his car keys. Tessa's eyes filled up with tears. She wanted to be there for him since he's always been there for her. She walked away and met back up with Isaac, who was now talking to their frantic parents who just drove out to the farm.

"I'm going to meet back up with George at the hospital. I'll see you guys back home," Tessa told her parents. She looked back at Sophia and said, "Hi! You must be Isaac's new coworker. Sorry we haven't been properly introduced! I'm Tessa". "Yes, nice to meet you! I'm Sophia Belgravia," Sophia responded. That last name sounded so familiar somehow. Then, it hit her. Damiano's last name was Belgravia too! Could this just be a coincidence? Perhaps they were related? They both have similar accents so it would make sense. "Oh, do you happen to be related to Damiano Belgravia?," Tessa inquired. "Sì, he is my brother! How do you know him?," Sophia responded. "What a strange coincidence! He found my missing pet falcon," Tessa said. "YOU'RE TESSA?! He's been talking about you nonstop!," Sophia laughed. Tessa felt her face redden. She chuckled and said, "Tell him I can't wait for tomorrow! Bye Sophia", then headed in the direction of George's car. It took her a while to turn it on because the interior looked like a spaceship. Once she figured it out, she sped out into the night in the direction of the hospital, plumes of smoke covered the night sky. 

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