The White Fox

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 weeks have passed, and the relationship between you and the girls is not progressing some stopped glaring at you, but most still look at you as a pest. the base is now actually a base all the facilities work now and the dorm is now comfortable for the girls. you sat beside a tree that was next to the cliff and you just stared at the ocean, the weeks have been exhausting organizing the fleets and sending them on commissions and sorties. you need some time to yourself you pull out your dog tags and just looked at them the scratches and your name barely visible on the metal it's all you have left to remember them. you hear footsteps behind, but you just ignore them till a shadow is cast upon you. finally, look up you see a kitsune just staring at you with gentle blues eyes they bear no hatred to you which was refreshing. 

"oh.... you're  here....," she said with an odd speech pattern 

"oh I'll go if you want," you stand up 

"no... it... fine.. you can stay I'll like some company," she said and you both sat next to the tree it was silent and it was awkward sh breaks the silence 

"you're not like the're kind," she said 

"Oh thank you that's nice of you to say," you said 

"the others....look at us with lust..but you don't have done a lot for us," she said 

"whats your name if you don't mind me asking," you ask

"I'm Shinano the third Yamato..... class ship and the only aircraft carrier... of that class," Shinano  explained, "how about your?" 

"Jin Matsu," you said "you're a lot nicer than your sisters," 

she smiled "they had to deal with a lot of the commander's actions and they are on edge, please dont be too harsh with them," she asked 

"i don't blame them I would be too," you said 

"have you been getting... enough sleep," Shinano asked 

"hmm kind of random to ask of course I've been getting enough sleep." you lied 

"then why.. do you have bags... under your eyes.." Shinano pointed at your eyes 

"lots of paperwork but no big deal, i almost finished it all," you said 

she frowned at your response she grabbed you and then wrapped your tails around you 

"hehehe let me go," you panicked 

"Nope.... if you get don't take care of yourself..... they'll replace you... and we'll get another bad commander so.. just sleep," Shinano said 

you tried to fight her off but it was getting harder and you fell asleep in her embrace 

In the dream world 

you sitting down in a chair with a beer in your hand enjoying the view of the ocean. you watched the ocean from your backway then a car pulls up in the driveway the doorbell rings. opening the door you see kuromi smiling at you, you close the door but the she keeps pressing the doorbell so you open the door 

"what do you want woman," you said annoyed 

"is that how you greet your friend and the empress," she pouted 

"no matter what your title is your annoying," you scoffed 

"you bastard i wanted to see my friend and that's how you greet me," you punched but it didn't hurt 

"yah yah what do you want," you said 

"hmph i don't want to say it anymore," she pouted 

"ok then leave my house or I'll throw you out," you said in a flat tone 

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