Our History

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out up north 65 miles away from the northern parliaments base. it was freezing cold and you haven't dressed appropriately for this kind of weather and so were Yamato class. you were shaking and Hannah was watching this for her own amusement. 

"told you it would get cold," Hannah wore a smug smile as you were turning blue, 

"hahahahah can I please have a coat before I die," you gritted your teeth to help bear the cold, 

she tosses you a coat and the yamato class all hug you to preserve their body heat 

"and for them please," you asked so they don't get hypothermia 

"i don't know you seem to enjoy them hugging you," she said sarcastically 

"i enjoy hugs but I don't enjoy seeing them freezing," you snapped back 

she tossed them coats and they still continued to hug you, a fourth person joined in it was roon 

"all right lovers break it up jeez," Hannah and the rest went inside went back to the bridge you stayed on the deck, leaning over the railing you look at your watch,19 hours till we may engage in combat. the sound of high heels can be heard behind you 

"well, you are more of a surprise than I thought," Eugen teased "able to make room fall for you,"

"well, I just looked beyond the surface," you explained "I would too be pretty messed if people didn't understand me," 

she remained silent 

"why weren't  you scared of roon when you met her," Eugen asked, see wanted to see your true colors 

"well your ww2 ships turned human I'm assuming your history also plays into the mix too," you explained 

Eugen didn't like that answer she stopped giving the smug smile she is known for 

"what do you know about my history," Eugen asked with venom in her voice 

"not much but with knowledge i know you've been through hell and back," you said 

"that's not a clear answer," Eugen losing her temper with your answer she wanted he want you truly thought of her 

"you witnessed all your friends die around you and you survived when they didn't, and when a nuke was dropped on you lived, and then sank," you said

"you know my history tells me yours its only fair," Prinz demanded 

"fair, i Jin Matsu am the second child to taka and Mika Matsu, I had an older brother who i served alongside in the 5th fleet for the IJN. friends with the empress kuromi and walking deadman to the admiral Kumi. I am the sole survivor of the first contact of the sirens and many believed i abandoned my comrades to escape and am marked a disgrace to the navy. i was called by kuromi to serve as the commander for the IJN ship girls and here i am now," you explained 

"the 5th fleet," Eugen muttered "tell me more about the 5th fleet now," 

"the 5th fleet was commanded by me," you replied "and when we encountered the sirens my fleet was annihilated and am the only one who survived and my brother is the reason i lived," 

"What did he do," Eugen asked 

"he was distracted cleanser so i could escape," you sighed 

"I'm sorry to hear," Eugen said 

"yah it was a long time ago i moved on, but she can't forgive me," you paused "i can't blame her even if she pisses me off," 

"why does she hate you," Eugen pushed on 

"she was in love with him and i promised to keep him saf," you said 

"but he choose to sacrifice himself," Eugen said "why is she mad at you," 

"I lied i never kept safe," you said "I couldn't save anyone," 

Eugen was surprised to see this side of you,  she put her hand on your shoulder 

"i understand, we all have people we wish we could save," Eugen said 

"yah I know," you whispered 

"you're lucky eugen," you said 

"how so we both have terrible pasts," she said confused by your comment 

"true but not everyone gets a second chance like you," you "a second chance to see all your friends alive," 

"but also a second chance to lose them," Eugen said 

you remained silent it was true it was both a blessing and curse to get a second chance

"you're right you can lose them again," you said 

"hmm see am correct its not always a blessing," eugen scoffed 

"it won't be a blessing if you waste it," you said 

"you think I don't know that," Eugen barked back 

"then why is every time i talk to you, you are lying to my face," you countered 

"what do you mean," Eugen was caught off guard by this 

"you tease me and put on a persona that is clear as day fake you think I'm an idiot who cant tell," you yelled "you get lost your friends and you get a second chance with them and you fake a smile to them what's wrong with you," 

"because I'm scared i could be happy and then maybe today I'll lose them all and be all alone again," she opened to you, how you achieved it is questionable but she needed to be honest with herself 

"anytime you can lose them, but are you going to let that happen," you asked her 

"no..I won't," Eugen said 

"then there is nothing to be scared of you are given a second chance take it because that's a rare moment not many get," you said 

Eugen gave this time a genuine smile the emptiness inside was gone and filled with hope she hugged you 

"thankyou my son," Fredrich was watching so conversation happen and she was crying as someone got through to Eugen. 

"hmmmmm there he goes again," Musashi mumbled 

"you know him Musashi he's too kind and some may for him," Shinano patted her sister's back 

"oh honey," Yamato giggled 

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