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you've been spending a lot more time with the Yamato class, though you wanted to meet the other girls who you've not to meet which is a lot of them. you walk to the training area and you see three girls practicing their swordplay.  they look at you a stop what they're doing 

 the girl with brown hair wearing a white kimono that looked like bird wings looked at you and she glared at you 

"what are you doing here," the brown hair girl threaten 

"zuikaku ease up he hasn't don't anything to be on guard," a girl with floppy ears said 

"you don't know that takao he could be like the last one," zuikaku yelled 

"zuikaku take a walk," the brown hair woman said with ox horn 

zuikaku stormed out of the training grounds 

"I'm sorry commander she's had it rough," the lady said 

"i understand," you 

"i am Mikasa, was a flagship but now I'm too old and serve as an instructor to help the new-gen," Mikasa explained 

"i see," you said you look at the girl with floppy ears 

"I'm takao the flagship for the takao class its nice to meet you," takao said you shook her hand "do you know how to use a sword," she asked 

"um no," you said this seemed to disappoint takao 

"oh i see," takao said 

"so who else is in your class," you asked 

"well i have atago, choukai, and Maya," takao said 

"can i meet them," this made takao narrow her eyes 

"why," she asked 

"i haven't met most of the girls and i would like to meet them," you said

"fine at 6 pm come to our dorm you can meet them," takao said 

"thankyou," you walked out of the training hall and felt someone is  watching you turm and see long raven hair "

"i see you," you called out 

a girl with long even hair and crimson eyes walked out from behind the tree

"fufufufu so you found me," she said, she walked towards you and picked you up, and run to her dorm 

in her dom was a modestly furnished room with a kitchen in it, and on the table was miso ramen she sat you down on a cushion next to the table 

"i made this for i know its your favorite," she sat next to you 

you eat some of it was good even better than the one in the cafeteria 

"This is good it's amazing," you said 

"fufufu you like it perfect it for you," she said 

"thank you uhhhh," you said 

"names taihou and you will be my husband," taihou said and she hug  you 

"taihou we just met i can't be your husband if i just met you,' you said this made taihou sad 

"so you don't like taihou," she asked 

"no i like you, you seem like a nice girl but i want to get to know you before we take that step," you said this made her smile 

"ok I'll wait," she said 

"umm taihou can you make me more," you asked 

"ok but you have to stay with me till sunset," taihou said 

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