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The maid corp are surveying the area was full of siren activity 

"commander all ways to the base are heavily covered there is  no route for the Iris libre to go through," Belfast reports 

"ok then looks like we'll need more firepower," Sophia said "Kumi we need your sub fleet to punch a hole in one of their fleets," Sophia said 

"ok then," Kumi radioed from the sub fleet to target the weakest fleet," 

"Belfast get your maids ready for combat,"  Sophia said 

"all carriers get your planes in the sky already we'll need air superiority in this fight," Samantha ordered.  the planes are all sprung to life as their propellor begins to spin, all taking off the amount of planes over the sun. casting a shadow over the girls. "today we end this war," Kumi said into he coms 

"all battleships fire on these coordinates," Belfast said  random coordinate words "wait for commanders orders to fire," 

"alright girls lets go," Hannah leads her girls as begin moving into position beside them their Russian allies "you ready sister," Prinz said to tallin "as I'll ever be," tallin smiled 

"Hannah i think we should let her deal with the empress.......," Alexandra pointed at roon who was getting giddy,

"agree but we'll still provide her support," you see the planes begin their bombing, no siren planes come to face the oncoming planes. "why aren't they........ the same laser that the emperor uses destroyed all the bombers, "shit change of plans we cant approach the base all girls retreat we need to rethink the plan," all the commanders' order. 

at the meeting, Kumi punches the table "damnit we can't get near the base the emperor's laser will destroy us," 

"so what should we do," Alexandra asked "we made all these preparations just to not follow through on it," 

"what can we do we saw what it did to the sakura empire Alexandra if the girls get hit by its over," Hannah said 

Jin POV 

your body is on fire, it feels like your body is tearing itself apart. "jin buddy i have idea your not going to like it," 

"what is it other me," you asked, 

"ok on your cube the empress placed a restrictor on you  it reduces the aftereffects of the rigging however, she using also to keep you in line," he explained "listen jin the nations cant save you, only you can save yourself," you place you hand on your chest "jin we end this once and for all," 

you shove your hand into your chest and grab your cube feeling for the restrictor, "listen Jin the plan is you use the rigging and kill everyone in this base," you found the restrictor and pulled it off the restrictor, "then we hope god............... the restrictor starts beeping making you cover your ears "you trying to escape," she grabs your hand "you have a choice now put that restrictor back on or i do it for you," she smiles at you. 

"what are the chance we make it out of this alive," you asked 

"no chance we come out alive," other Jin said "make your choice Jin," 

you summon your rigging and hit her with secondary guns this causes her to be blasted backed and hit a pillar

"ow," she mocks "ohh jin your going to fight me," 

"jin sirens have us surrounded I suggest we deal with them first," Jin said you jump blast the wall of the base you aim at the fleet still patrolling the base. you fire your secondary guns at them, you then jump down now gliding around you begin your final, battle. 

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