The Broken Man

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2  months later 

you were in bed with the empress, she laid on top of you, you could end it right here, however that bond was applied back to your arm that same tattoo prevented you from killing her. she opens her eyes and warmly smiled at you "morning~," she kissed you then dragged you out of bed "lets go love~," she lead you to the practice range she made for you. "ok you ready," you nodded she injected you with a fluid and you summoned your rigging, "hmmm vitals are all stable," she reads your data off a tablet "now honey fire you main canon," you charge the canon and it shoots out a massive laser beam ripping apart the room. "ok honey deactivate the rigging,"

deactivating your rigging you start coughing up blood and collapse. "hmmm tester he's out, place the restrictor on him NOW," the tester teleported and handed the empress the device then teleported out. 

"here we go love," she placed it on your cube, she carries you to the lab and heals all your wounds. she notices all the rings on your finger. "urghh," she grabs on of the ring, instinctively you clench your fist. "fine then love," she takes a laser and cuts off your ring finger all the rings hit the ground.  she then destroys all your rings, she then waits for you to wake up.

waking up you see the empress smiling at you "morning sleepyhead," she smiles and kisses you on the check. "you slept all day you should rest," she lays on top of you and rub her hair, you feel her hair with only four fingers you look at your hand and finger is missing. she looks at your hand then kisses you "don't worry too much about it you still have nine left," she then hugs you. 

3 months later you look at your watch "she's got to be due," you mumble you are surveying the city you watch their apartment from your job is locate targets for the future attack. you relay targets to the empress "the palace and powerplant, I'll continue to survey more," you said you see three kitsunes help taihou to the car and you follow it. "empress I'm going dark for a while i need infiltrate the naval HQ," you lied 

"ok dear be careful," she chimes 

you watch from outside the hospital window, but everyone crowds taihou you couldn't see if the baby came out. you hopped down and ran inside the hospital. you ran past security and went up the elevator. "sir please stop," the guard yelled.  you ran till one of the guards caught up and tackled you. shrugging him off you ran to the door to see the baby, then a light hit you. "you lied dear~" the empress  picks you up and throws you against the wall. "you still cling on to them hmmmmm," she leans forward and kicks you "forget about them you have me,"  

3 months later  Yamato's POV 

"the emperor is back and terrorizing the sea again," the reporter said you calmly punched the Tv "kumi I'm going tear you apart," 

"nee-san you cant keep destroying the TV," musashi whined 

"how arent you mad," you yelled "our husband is being bastardized again,"  then hear the city alarms 

"This is not a drill please evacuate to the nearest siren shelter," the PA spoke 

instinctively you carry the kids the girls follow you, now at the streets, people are fleeing as aircraft cover the sky. skyscrapers are on fire as pieces of it fall on top of people. you run to the shelter heading inside you place your kids down in now cramped space. "stay here with your sisters taihou watch over them," 

"hai," you all rush out to face the sirens. summoning your riggings you fire your AA into the sky. "yamato your orders are to face the sirens in the ocean," kumi radio "the military will deal with the aircraft and protect the people," you rushed to the ocean other ship girls were engaging with the sirens. "yamato senpai there is a large target the sirens are protecting," zuikaku explained "what could it be," you question was answered as a massive passed and headed straight for the city. you around and see a sky scrapper falling down and fire everywhere. fear paralyzed you, "my babies," you mumbled turned back and saw a twisted smile, the owner of that smile was sitting on the cannon and sitting on his lap was the empress. "good job sweetie," the empress hugged him in her bust "now do it again,"  she pointed at you. the man seemed hesitant, she mumbled something to him, he lost his smile and then look at the empress hatred. "so be it," 

"white Fox," 

he grabbed his head in pain "arrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh," the empress waved then teleported herself and all the sirens out of the area. you rushed over to the man "jin what wrong," jin looked at you and fired his secondary guns at you "jin honey its me," you begged the other girls saw you in trouble, and fired at Jin. you hit him with your all your guns, this knocks him back and "yam..ato," he mumbles he grabs his head, collapsing to his knees "argghhhhhhhhhh," he cries. you rush to him "honey look at me please," you grab his face and make him look at you. his eyes fixated on you, examines your face he cries "yam..ato," 

the girl were finishing off the aircraft still in the sky 

you hug him rocking him to calm him down "its ok im here I'll always be here for you love," you cry 

Jin Pov 

you hug yamato all those months of pain washed away with her hug "black fox," her voice whispered. you all lose all control of your body, you watched in horror as yamato's face turned into shock and the whole world saw it 

"," she reaches for you, but collapses you stabbed her in the abdomen with a short blade. you regain control of your body. "......... you choke on your words you look at your hands as its stained in yamato's blood. "its your fault," the empress whispered "I'll rebuild you into the man i want," 

"shut up," you scream, your scream brought the other girls to see what has happened they see a dying yamato and your bloody hands

"yamato," musashi yelled in rage she fired at you knocking you back "you killed her," she cried 

"musashi stop it Jin couldn't have," shinano tried to reason 

"musashi, shinano........ arggggghhhhhhhhhhh you hear her words

"its all your fault," 

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," you aim the blade and aim for the head, before you can the ocean is no longer as you are back at base the empress has your hand.  "now love you have a few more, before we can rule this world 

"kill me......," you mumbled

"The sakura empire has lost a hero has yamato is in critical condition and looks to be unable to fight," the reporter said "the one who did it was ........ musashi punched the TV 

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