Monty x Reader - purple birds poop purple berries

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"We're running low on food." Bellamy paces the Dropship, golden arms crossed over his chest. His brow is creased - deep in thought. "With the amount we've got..." I scrutinize the few sacks of food slumped pitifully in front of us. "It's not going to last more than a week."

Silence. I look around at the small group. Everyone is deep in thought.

"(y/n) and I will go find some food." I look up in surprise. Monty moves towards Bellamy, glancing sideways at Clarke. "I know a place not far from here. We could collect enough berries to last until we find a substantial food source."

Murphy grunts. "Berries. Joy." He turns on Bellamy. "Where's the meat? Where's the bread? Where're the potatoes?!"

"Shut up!" Clarke glares angrily at Murphy. "I think it's a great idea." She winks at Monty, a sly glimmer in her eye. A smile like the sun lights up Monty's face. He looks over at me, head tilted down in sudden embarrassment.

"Will you come with me?" He stretches a small hand in my direction. Nervous. Hopeful.

My heart flutters, pounding against my ribcage. Timidly, I take his hand. So warm and soft.

I try to hide the stupid grin, but it escapes. Monty is like a mirror, and I see my laughter reflected in his shining eyes. We duck out of the Dropship, and it's only when we're out of camp that I notice Monty is still holding my hand.


"You sure these aren't poisonous?" I pinch an overripe berry between my fingers. Deep, purple juice stains my hands. The smell is sickly sweet. "What if they've been changed by the radiation? Like... become indigestible."

I pluck a handful, shrug, and drop them into the basket at my feet. Monty was right about one thing at least. Assuming the berries didn't kill us all, there was enough to last at least another two weeks. Murphy would be overjoyed.

I grab another handful; they pull easily from the bush. "Hey, Monty. Help would be much appreciated."

I quickly tire of picking individual berries, and start pulling off branches instead.

"Monty! This basket isn't going to fill itself and I'm starting to have enough of your-"

Something splatters against my cheek. Sticky and wet. I gasp, slowly raising my hand. It comes back purple.


The next one gets me right on the temple. A good shot, had I not been so furious. "Monty you little-"

In the mouth! I splutter, coughing violently. What if they really were poisonous?! Did I swallow some? Oh God, oh God, oh God... My racing brain comes to a stop. I take in the half filled basket at my feet. Handfuls upon handfuls of ammo.

I duck behind a tree, grabbing the basket. It is heavier than I expected, but I don't care. Payback is my only thought. It plagues my mind like a virus. Payback. Payback. Payback.

I still, listening. Minutes pass... Birds sing in the distance, leaves gently rustle in the wind, a twig snaps to my left. I whirl, unleashing a dozen berries.

"AHHH!" Bullseye. I don't stop to savor the moment, instead I refill - this time both hands - and freeze, waiting for the right opportunity.

Monty is coughing. Coming closer. I press my back against the tree's mossy trunk. Just a few more seconds... He coughs right next to me and I jump.

The first thing I see is Monty's frozen face - mouth open in surprise - the second, the ground in my face. We roll, entwined, shouting and struggling through the grass. Twigs poke at my arms and leaves get caught in my hair.

We come to a blundering halt. It's the squishing under my body and sickly stench that causes me to notice we're under the berry bush, lying on all the overripe and fallen berries. I groan.

Monty - unluckily - landed under me. One of his legs is slung over my thighs and his arms are wrapped around my chest. He starts to shake. It takes me a while to realize he is laughing.

"What's so funny?" I tilt my head back, trying to look at his face. His shaking jolts my body, and for the first time I realize just how close we are. My face burns with sudden embarrassment. His arms are so strong. I imagine falling asleep in them...

Monty finally bursts, cracking into fits of hysterical laughter. Never has there been a more contagious sound. I giggle, try to cover it, and end up choking. Monty just laughs harder.

"That. Was." Monty gasps for breath. I feel his chest rise. "So. Great." He snorts and I burst into tears of laughter.

We lie there - I don't really know how long - but it seems like forever and at the same time only a second. Maybe Earth could work out for me - for us - after all. I thought I missed space, but this gave me hope.

"Hey, Monty?"
"Mmm." The sound rumbles through his chest, quietly echoing through my back and jump-starting my heart. His arms are still wrapped protectively over my chest. I hate what I have to say next.

"We should, ah, start heading back."
I feel Monty nod - his chin moves against my shoulder. "Yeah."

He releases me and I feel the loss of his heat immediately. We untwined our legs and I sit up, rolling over so he can move too.

For the first time since I ambushed him, I see Monty's face. It's all I can do not to start laughing again. His hair is streaked with purple and there is berry juice dripping down his cheeks. I'm also pretty sure his shirt used to be white before we left camp.

"You look like a purple bird took a giant shit on your head," I say, snorting

Monty trails his eyes over my figure, a mischievous smile playing across his lips. "You don't look so bad yourself."

I look down and gasp. There is a giant tear in my shirt, exposing my already too tight bra. "Oh Hell." I am surprised my top hasn't fallen off already. "I can't wear this."

Monty laughs. "It suits you." His eyes linger just a bit too long on my chest.

"Give me your shirt."

Monty opens his mouth in mock surprise. His eyes turn so round they could've been drawn in a cartoon. "I'm very sensitive over my body."

I glare at him and rip the shirt from my shoulders. I tie it to the tree next to our berry bush. "A marker," I tell Monty when he frowns. "This way we'll find it again."

I pick up the basket - now less than half filled, but still enough to last until someone comes back for more - and lead the way back to camp.

I can feel Monty grinning from behind me. "I take back what I said earlier."

"Oh yeah?" I wait for him to apologize for throwing berries at me, and kindly give me his shirt like a true gentleman.

"The bra suits you much better."


Bellamy and Clarke greet us as we enter camp.
"Did you guys find enough-"
Bellamy's eyes widen in surprise and Clarke lets out a startled laugh.
"(y/n), where is your shirt? And WHY THE HELL are you guys covered in..." Bellamy runs his finger across my forehead, surveying the almost black stain on his skin. "Is that bird poo?"

I burst into laughter.

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