Jonty - Don't Sniff Out All The Sniff!

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(set after season 2 finale)

Monty POV

I hadn't talked to him since Maya - or really, he hadn't talked to me. I'd barely even seen him. Slipping away. Always slipping away. I saw the betrayal in his eyes. And sometimes, when he thought I wasn't watching, I swear they were tinged with hatred.

It tore me to pieces. I didn't think this could possibly happen again. Not after last time... I remember the anger I felt. It scares me more than I can say. I was angry at Jasper for betraying me. But he is angry because I killed his girlfriend.

Forgiving a betrayal isn't easy, but at least it's possible. Murder... That can never be forgiven.

Two years ago...
"Jasper," Monty dangles a dried, purple flower in front of Jasper's goggles. "Look what I found!"

Jasper's eyes widen; he looks like a giant bug. "I don't believe it! Monty you're awesome!"

Jasper thumps a fist against his other hand, Monty mimicking the gesture. In sync.

"This is going to be the highest high ever!" Jasper carefully takes the flower from Monty's hand. He brings it to his nose, taking a long sniff. He coughs, pupils dilating so much his eyes are almost fully black. "Woooooooow..."

Monty snatches the flower away. "Don't sniff out all the sniff, man. We need to save some for the mojo." His eyes grow distant and a daydreaming smile forms across his lips. "Just imagine how much we could sell this for! Do you think we could make enough to buy some of that chocolate pudding the richies are always eating?"

Jasper pounds him on the back. "Dude, if this works, we could make enough to buy a lifetime supply of chocolate pudding!"

Jasper POV

I position the rifle against my shoulder. Take a deep breath. I aim for his heart, imagine the bullet piercing through skin, fat, muscle and finally his heart.

My finger twitches, itching to pull the trigger. I still, reminding myself of the why. Of the who. Maya. For Maya. I open fire. The horrid sound of tearing fills my ears. Only now do I realise my eyes are closed.

"Nice shot, Jasper. But remember," Kane pats me on the back, "next time keep your eyes open."

I nod, staring at the gaping hole I've left in the straw dummy. He smoking slightly from his wound. Is that how Maya felt when Monty killed her? Burning? On fire from the inside? I swallow back the lump in my throat and turn to leave.

"Hey Jasper. We're going on a hunt later this afternoon. Running short on meat. I thought you could use the extra practice." Kane watches me, the question swimming in his eyes.

I nod without turning around and make my way back to the tent that has been my new home since Mount Weather. It's so small I can't stand up straight. But it's mine. Mine alone.

Two years ago...
Jasper is stooped over his foul-smelling pot, slowly stirring its contents with a wooden spoon.

"Have you put it in yet?" Monty peers over Jasper's shoulder.

Jasper pushes Monty back, gesturing to the peg clamped over his nose. "Don't get too close!"

"So. Have you?"

Jasper shakes his head. "I'm putting that in last. Saving the sniff, remember?"

Monty spins around in his desk chair. Its small wheels allow him to roll backwards and forwards across the room. They had spent years saving up for it. That and the Star Trek bunk bed in the corner.

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