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ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ᴀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ.

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Muffled voices were heard as the girl's head kept ringing.

"Pardon me for this" The boy excused himself and lifted the barely conscious girl, who paid it no mind and focused on not passing out again from the pain. She was now placed on a dry surface. The movement of the person did something around her head as she flinched from the pain again, but made no move and in seconds and soft fabric covered her body.

She looked up and in front of her stood a boy with long blonde braided hair and bright golden eyes that held visible worry and a floating fairy beside him.

"Can you hear us? Are you okay, miss? " Aether questioned tying the cloth then holding the girl's arms for support. But no reply was heard.

"Why isn't she responding? Did she go deaf with the impact of her head? If yes, we really should bring her back to Mondstat and find a doctor! " Paimon suggested floating near the dazed girl as she waved her tiny hands in front of the girl.

"I don't think we can easily ask the citizens to help her if she looks like this, and it would be pretty bizarre," Aether replied.


They look in the girl's direction.

"Please, help me..." After that, she passed out. What took their attention was she now had human legs.

"H-Hey?! Don't go leaving us here! And now she has legs! Aether, carry her and head back to Mondstat fast!" The blonde boy nodded and carried the poor girl.

Halfway through Mondstat, they met the Outrider who had just finished patrolling.

"Hey, there Aether and Paimon- Goodness what happened?!" The Outrider, whose name is Amber, exclaimed as she bolted to their side.

"Is it alright if we borrow one of the rooms at the headquarters?" The boy felt agitated

"Of course not! Let's go." The Outrider ends and directs the group to their destination.

They finally arrived at the headquarters without leaving some curious and worried stares from the citizens and guards. The group was now entering one of the vacant rooms.

"I'll be getting Barbara, please wait for a moment," Amber told them and headed to the church to get the deaconess.

"Should we get Noelle? She needs clothes." The male glanced at the girl who was peacefully sleeping, lying on the silky soft covers.

"Paimon thinks we should." And with that, the two left the girl alone in the room.

The rays of the afternoon sun passed through the windows, glazing the girl's face. This made her stir from her sleep as her e/c hues opened slowly, looking at the wooden ceiling. Her eyes roamed the unfamiliar surroundings. A table on her right, a window above it and a wardrobe on the left side.

She sat up and now the space of the room greeted her. A sudden noise erupted outside of the room, leading her attention to that area, and the door swung open loudly, making her flinch.

"Goodness Barbatos! Amber, you did not have to swing the door strongly. What if you could wake up the poor girl? " The deaconess nagged the outrider, who muttered apologies. When the two directed their attention to the already awake patient who was curiously watching them, her head tilted on the side as the wrappings around her head loosened.

The deaconess began to panic when a drip of blood trailed down to the girl's face.

"Bandages! Where are the bandages? Amber, go find Noelle, please! " The two then moved. Barbara went to the girl side.

"I'm Barbara, the deaconess of the Church of Favonius. Please, lay down again so I can heal you." The ash-blonde female introduced them and ushered her to lie back on the bed, a faint blue glow from her hands indicated she's starting to heal her injury.

The h/c haired girl curiously watched the female in front of her who was smiling down at her. "It's okay, no need to worry. Tell me if anything hurts, and I'll gladly patch it up!" Barbara consoled gently.

The door opened, entering Noelle holding extra clothes and bandages, Aether and Paimon close behind.

"Ah Noelle, do you have bandages?" Barbara asked

"Oh yes, here it is" The lavender-haired maid gave the bandages with her other hand. Barbara thanked the Noelle and began wrapping the new bandage around the girl's head.

"Here are the spare clothes you requested, Aether. I'll be putting it here. Call me if you need me. You'll find me in the library. " Noelle said, placing the clothes at the end of the bed, and left, closing the door softly. The clanking of her armor could be heard as it faded.

"I'm also done here, traveler. She just needs a bit of rest. Sadly i can't stay here for long. I still have duties to do back at the church. " Barbara said, as the blonde male glanced at the h/c girl who was just fiddling with her fingers.

"Thank you so much for your help, Barbara! We'll be treating you when you're free. See ya! " Paimon bid goodbye to the deaconess as she left the room.

"Hello, we still haven't introduced ourselves. Paimon is Paimon and this is Aether. We are currently on a journey to find his sister." The fairy happily introduced both as the girl looked up at them.

"M-my name is Y/n," the h/c-haired girl bashfully replied, lowering her head.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n! Say, do you know what happened to you before we found you? " Paimon asked.

"That... I can't remember... I'm sorry."

"Oh no no! It's fine, but earlier you, uh, you had fish legs, and Paimon was wondering what you were. "

'Paimon! Too straight to the point' Aether face palmed in his mind.

"I... Uhm..." Y/n stuttered but didn't continue. The two glanced at each other.

"Y-you know what let's save the question for later. Paimon thinks you should wear clothes first!" Right on cue, Aether turned around and hurriedly left the room.

"I'll be in Jean's office, Paimon!" The flustered Aether yelled outside the room.

"Well, that was something. All right, Paimon will help you change. Can you stand up, Y/n?"

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