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song selection: From the Start
piano score by Sophism and Isabella LeVan

song selection: From the Startpiano score by Sophism and Isabella LeVan

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It was there when one was set to seek solitude, the only thing stopping between the person and silence was the sound of nature. And you couldn't even be proud of that. When you need time to think, it's there; when you need it at times when you just needed it, it's just there. It was like a friend who wouldn't leave your side.

Save for when someone tries to disrupt the calm atmosphere, however, now that is a different story.

You're now set on to hear the sounds of snow being crunched under your feet as well as the passing sigh of the wind can be heard as you make your way through the trees, long thick branches hanging over your head to keep you sheltered from the endless amount of snow falling down the ground. It didn't bother you though, you were thankful that your cloak was there to keep you warm.

Not long after, you heard the sound of a village not too far from you, the sounds of bustling villagers trading and chatting away reached your ears even being a distance away.

You smiled, feeling safe at the inner walls of the village as you made your way through it immediately feeling the stares of the locals as they took note of you assuming you were a tourist in need of a place to stay but for some, they yelled out your name and gave you a greeting leaving some of the newcomers baffled. You gave back the same enthusiastic greeting to some people you made your way through the streets hoping to seek shelter in the unforgiving chill of the weather.

A couple of children had taken notice of your arrival, their eyes gleaming with joy as they started to run over to you ignoring the cold winter air as they rushed to you shouting your name with such glee.

A smile made its way to your face as you made your way over to them, meeting them halfway for them to immediately tackle your legs — almost making you stumble upon the impact, but didn't mind at all as you knew how much they've been waiting to hear the stories of your journey across the lands.

"Kids! Kids! Settle down, I'm fine!" you giggled, petting one of their heads as they snuggled up against you, "You better get off me or you won't receive your gifts."

After hearing your light-hearted threat, the children immediately went back to their seats by the fireplace feeling their eyes drill to your figure as they awaited your presence beside them, you chuckled at their burst of energy as you took a seat beside one of the kids trying to get as much heat as possible to ease your cool nerves.

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