THREE : The Empress, UPRIGHT

345 20 60

song selection: Haunted Past
from "Purple Hyacinth", Webtoon
piano score by Sophism and Isabella LeVan

song selection: Haunted Pastfrom "Purple Hyacinth", Webtoonpiano score by Sophism and Isabella LeVan

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SNOW LAY THICK UPON THE ONCE EMERALD HILLS. It was cold here. The wind grew up, gusting past the lone traveler. He could feel the bite of it, even through the thick furs he wore; the cold was unforgiving like his heart and powerful as the swing of his fist.

"Almost there," he muttered, looking down at the compass he held in his hand as he made his way through the mist and the towering trees. He may be the deemed Human GPS, but through the thick fog and endless snow pricking his eyes, he knew he won't get anywhere with this. He would've gotten home faster if it wasn't for the prey he's been carrying along from his journey a few hours prior.

He continued to trudge through the never-ending patches of snow until he saw light flicker by his vision. Finally, he's almost there. And so having no time to waste just by standing around, he walked towards the light until he have stumbled upon a clearing. And in the middle of the clearing stood two cottages where his small comfy cottage lay.

He wasted no time to hasten his steps until he neared his porch, barged in the door, and threw his prey to the floor with no care in the world even if the blood-smeared onto the floorboards.

What he did instead, is that he raised his axe and threw it in a certain direction where an unwanted visitor stood blanketed by the curtains of the shadows his home gave, barely missing an inch to hit the person's head.

"Whoa there, mate! Calm the fuck down!" yelled the man whom he thought was a bulgar.

Technoblade's head immediately shriveled in the direction of the man he almost killed without much of a thought and hastily turned on the lights, sputtering out numerous apologies.

Technoblade would admit that he didn't have any friends, more or less be someone who people could approach easily unless they manage to get along with his sense of humor and ideals. But if he ever does, he will swear his loyalty to them as when chances gave them a choice to be with someone else other than this stubborn man himself, they chose to fight alongside him. And Philza is one of those people.

To whom he thought was an unwanted visitor stood his long-time friend, someone who he has conquered the lands for millennia and more. In his prime until now, this Elytrian is someone who he knew would trust and swear his life too. Someone had the privilege of gaining his utmost loyalty and trust before Philza, but it led him to ruin.

"Phil! What the hell, I thought you were someone else," he winced after seeing the small graze on his cheek, "Sorry 'bout that, it's just out of reflex..."

Philza could only smile at Technoblade as he accepted his apology not a twinge of remorse in his voice. He didn't mind really, the blonde knew how much Technoblade was someone who was only on edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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