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Nighttime in the cave was indistinguishable from day, save for the fact that Mr. Barakoa's plants gave off a dimmer glow than they had before.

Intrigued by the bioluminescent plants, Camilla bent down over and sniffed one before straightening up quickly and sneezing. "Ugh. Okay... that's not gonna work for me," she muttered, looking around to make sure no one had seen her.

As she did, however, she spotted Addison still sitting with Anikova, speaking with her in inaudible but avid tones. The Ursian looked fascinated—though not with the story, Camilla guessed. She frowned, somewhat concerned. I hope Addison doesn't take his friendship with her too far, she thought. That could spell disaster for him and Kenzie... and I'd hate to see them break up.

"He's treading in dangerous waters," someone called.

Camilla spun around and saw Gustav seated on a giant glowing mushroom, fiddling with a plant he'd plucked from the rocky ground. "Oh! Gustav," she said with a relieved smile, as his sudden words had startled her. "Please don't do that," she told him in a semi-pleading tone. "I'm jumpy enough as it is."

"Tut mir leid." Gustav plucked a petal from the plant and nonchalantly watched it fall.

Camilla grimaced. "Okay. It's kinda painful to see you like this," she stated. "...Again."

"C'est la vie," Gustav replied dully. "I lose the one woman I perhaps had a chance with—Addison gets two." He gently separated the plant's head from its stalk and let the stalk drop. "Not that that's any better, ja?"

Camilla smirked and walked over to Gustav, sitting down next to him. "He's gonna get himself in some serious trouble," she agreed. "Should we... I dunno, do something about it?'

"It's his choice to make," Gustav responded with a shrug.

"But... what about Kenzie? She'll be heartbroken!" Camilla scowled at Gustav. "You of all people should know how that feels."

Gustav gave her a sidelong glance. "You're trying to guilt me into getting Addison away from Anikova?"

"Yes, I am," Camilla confirmed, putting her hands on her hips and lifting her chin. "For his and Kenzie's sakes."

Gustav raised an eyebrow. "And Anikova?"

"She can eat one of these mushrooms. Preferably a poisonous one."

Gustav laughed at that. "Ah, so you have a bit of a cruel streak, ja?"

"I assume most former gang leaders do," Camilla replied breezily.

"Hm. I suppose bit of self-promotion never hurt either."


Both of them laughed at the exchange. Then Gustav asked, "Wait, what were we talking about again?"

Camilla paused. "Um... I don't..."

Her voice trailed off as she as Gustav locked gazes.

"...remember," Camilla finished in a semi-whisper.

Gustav turned away, his face turning slightly red. "Do you"—he stopped and cleared his throat—"do you think it was the scar?"

Camilla blinked. "Huh?" she said, still somewhat stunned by the sudden connection she and the Serpian had just shared.

"The scar," Gustav repeated. "Do you think it scared Alice off?"

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