Chapter 8

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A/N: This is gonna be an Obanai x Taiko/Tanjiro. Enjoy. Again if you are uncomfortable with this ship, you can either skip this part if stay if you can handle it. Mk imma shut up now.

Taiko POV

I quickly ran to the entrance to meet Iguro-San waiting for me.

Taiko: Iguro-San! Ohayo!

Iguro: Ah, there you are. Ohayo.

Cold as always. I smiled and Iguro pointed at Nezuko's box.

Iguro: Is she coming with us?

Taiko: Hai! I never leave her here! *mumble* Not with Zenitsu. No way.

Iguro: Okay. C'mon let's go. Stay ahead of me. So if there's a demon attacking from behind he won't hurt you.

That's nice of him. But doesn't he know I can handle a demon? I AM a Demon Slayer after all. But I just nod and go up in front. I'm glad I was infront though. It looked so beautiful. Flowers, Butterflies, Different colour leaves. It was like a fantasy land.

Iguro: Oi, slow down.

He snaps me back to reality

(A/N: Just like Thanos)

I realized he was about a hundred paces behind me.

Taiko: Oops, Gomen.

I nervously chuckle as Iguro-San catches up. We both walk for another hour.

Taiko: My feel are killing me...

Iguro: Do you want me to carry you?

Taiko: No, it's fine. I don't want to add extra work for you.

Iguro: No it's fine. Here get on my back.

Iguro-San crouched down. I approached him, and then realize somethings wrong. I giggle.

Iguro: What's so funny?

Taiko: I nearly twice the size of you Iguro-San.

Iguro: Hey! Are you calling me short?!

Taiko: Maybeee

Iguro glares. I giggle. It's fun to tease the Hashira's sometimes.

Taiko: Here let me try and carry you.

I bend down Iguro-San comes near me and hops on my back.

Taiko: Wow! Almost at light as Nezuko's box.

I chuckle

Iguro: Quit it. Your just tall.

I smirk at him.

Taiko: Are you admitting that your short?

Iguro: What?! Where'd you get that idea from?!

I shrug.

Iguro: Well can I get down? It's kinda uncomfortable up here due to your box here. Plus I don't like being this high.

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