A New Summoner?

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The Order of heroes gets ready for the new day. They all decided to start practicing their skills.

"HYAH!" Alfonse yells while hitting a training dummy.

"Alfonse, I can do better." Says Sharena.

As Sharena was about to swing at it. Kiran enters.

"Hey guys, have any of you seen my Breidablik?" Kiran asks.

Anna, Sharena and Alfonse all looked at Kiran and shook their heads in a response to no.

"Ugh. I've been looking for it everywhere." Kiran groans.

"Wait! If you don't have your weapon...what if someone gots a hold of it." Sharena says, worried.

They all looked at eachother shocked.

"What if Eitri or Ótr took it?" Anna tells everyone.

"How could've they entered here?" Alfonse respondes.

"You never know." Anna replies.

The Order of heroes ran to the front door and swung it open. They rushed down to where all the previous summoned heroes and villains were located.


Some of the summoned heroes and villains answered no. Others looked away as a rejection to Kiran's question.

"Onii Chan! Is something wrong?" Yuki exclaimed, as she ran towards Kiran.

"Yes Yuki. I can't seem to find my Breidablik anywhere. Have you happened to see it anywhere?" Kiran asks.

"Hm well. I think I saw it, but it was up in the air! And a bird was holding it!" Yuki replies.

"A bird?" Alfonse questions.

"I mean there are some birds I know." Sharena says. "Let's see, there's Rafiel, Rayson, Naesala, Tibarn. And I think that's all." Sharena states.

"Let's go and ask all of them!" Alfonse insists.

"Can I also come and help too!" Yuki requests.

"Of course you can, Yuki!" Anna respondes.

The Order of heroes, along with Yuki all went to find the bird units. They first encounter Rafiel and Rayson.

"Rafiel! Rayson! Have any of you seen Kiran's Breidablik anywhere?" Alfonse asks.

"No, we haven't." Rayson says.

"Did you lose it?" Rafiel asks.

"Yeah, I've been searching for it everywhere." Kiran explained.

"Maybe Naesala has it? I mean, that is if you were looking for a bird perhaps." Rayson says.

"Maybe." Kiran responds. "C'mon guys, let's all find the other two."

The five all went to find Naesala. He was training with the newest training dummy.

"Wow nice training dummy Naesala!" Alfonse exclaimed. "Is it the new one that just came out?"

"Yeah, I just picked up this from the saleswoman Anna." Naesala tells them.

Sharena elbows Alfonse then looks at Naesala.

"Naesala. Listen, what my brother was trying to say was, do you happen to see Kiran's summoning weapon anywhere?" Sharena asks.

"Nope. I haven't. Also don't try asking Tibarn. I talked to him recently. He has nothing to do with it either."

"Oh." Kiran says, as he lets out a small sigh.

"Don't worry Kiran. We will find it!" Anna encourages.

"There's no use." Kiran says. "If nobody here has it, it was sure to get into the hands of a villain." He states.

Everyone looks at each other. Then Yuki's face lit up.

"Kiran! Kiran!" Yuki says happily.

"What is it Yuki?" Kiran whimpers.

"I think I remember who had it!" Yuki says, her tail wagging in joy.


"Follow me!" She says as she bolts away.

The Order of heroes all followed Yuki, until they got to the main hall of Askr.

"Look!" Yuki says, as she points towards a bird's stand.

Feh is dressed in a Cloak that looks just like Kiran's. She holds Kiran's Breidablik and starts fighting air like if there was a villain.

"Ha! Take that! And that!" Feh says as she flies around with the big object in her feathers.

"FEH!" Kiran yells, as he runs towards her. Kiran gasps for air as he stands in front of Feh's stand. "Feh. Did you steal my weapon?" Kiran questions.

"Feh?" Feh says. "Oh Kiran! Hey, I was going to ask you if I could borrow this! You were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up."

"Wait, why did you need it?" Alfonse asks.

"Oh! Because I wanted to role play as Kiran for the Feh channel!" Feh explained.

The Order and Yuki all looked at each other and laughed.

"Well I guess that explains it. But Feh next time, ask. I was worried sick. I thought a villain got a hold of it." Kiran mentions.

"Whoops, sorry Kiran. I promise I'll ask!" Feh replies.

And that was another day for the Order of heroes. 

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