Family Day

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Today is family day for everyone in Askr. There will be a new event where the best family gets to become a new duo hero! Kiran helped everyone he could to be able to see their family members. (Yes he used about millions of orbs), but Kiran did it for his allies.

"Hey father!" Do you think we will be chosen for the new duo hero?" Roy says to Eliwood.

"Maybe Roy. There are lots of families here. So we might be the lucky few if we are chosen." Eliwood replied.

Roy and Eliwood walked to the entrance of the family festival. Along with several other participants.

"Well I mean just cuz Corrin doesn't have her parents, I will be her partner for becoming the new duo hero." Ryoma says to Xander.

"Ha ha! Yeah right Ryoma. I will be taking the title as the new duo hero, thank you very much. Xander says back.

"I thought you two were over the war." Corrin turns around and says.

They both looked away from each other in a disagreement. Corrin sighed.

"Daddy! Please take me with you also." Yuki begged Robin as he was standing with Morgan.

"Yuki. I already told you, Morgan asked me first. You can go with Lucina instead." He said.

Morgan stuck her tongue out and Yuki was angry at her.

"It's okay! I'm here and I can take Robin with me instead!" They heard Validar say from behind Robin.

"Father, you will never be a summonable hero." Robin said.

Validar disappeared in disappointment.

"Well. Are you sure we will be able to work out as the new duo hero?" Marth asked Tiki.

"Oh I know so Mar Mar! Besides, they never said anything about real family." Tiki said.

Marth smiled as Tiki walked beside him.

"The darkness can not withstand you mother! You shall not take another step!" Owain warned Lissa.

"Oh please. You hadn't had a new hero of you in ages. So suit yourself." Lissa replied as she politely walked away.

"Wait! Mother! Maybe the darkness can come beside you at least! Come back!" Owain yelled as he ran towards Lissa.

"Wouldn't it be a dream to get chosen Chrom? Imagine being named sibling supreme. Or unbreakable bonds." Emmeryn said happily to Chrom.

Chrom laughed then hugged Emmeryn.

"It would be a dream if we will stay with each other till the end, Em." Chrom whispered in her ear.

"Hey Sakura! Do you wanna be my buddy for family day?" Elise asked.

"No no Elise." Camila said coming from behind. "It's real family, not others."

Elise looked pouty at her. "You're no fun Camila! Why don't you and Hinoka go to the family festival while me and Sakura go. Please."

Camila rolled her eyes then gave in. "Okay fine."

So Elise and Sakura, and Camila and Hinoka went as pairs.

Once all the heroes got there. It was time to reveal the new duo hero.

"Okay! As everyone gathers for the celebration of family day. I hereby introduce the new duo hero!" Fehnix says aloud. "Please welcome up to the stage..."

Everyone was so nervous, but excited at the same time.

"KIRAN AND FEH! THE SUMMONER OWL DUO!" Fehnix finally said.

Everybody gasped in shock and disappointment.

Kiran and Feh both dressed appropriately for the occasion as they were seen walking up the steps to the stage.



All the heroes and villains all attacked Fehnix and left him lying in feathers. And that's how family day ended. With Kiran and Feh winning. And lastly, Alfonse shouts from the crowd.


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