A strange man

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In the streets of the small town of Eureka Springs, the peaceful and simple life that reigned there attracted more and more inhabitants from year to year, but it is famous for having only one hospital available to all. inhabitants, and this for the reason that it constitutes no more than 8000 inhabitants. Eureka Springs is a country town located right in front of a very dense forest, the object of many fantastic fantasies.
In this city lived a group of friends, David, Rayan, Lukas and Julia, they were all 16 years old and were all in school in the high school of Eureka Springs.
The group of friends have always used to meet in front of a kiosk in front of the forest to take a little walk in this same forest, nothing bad has ever happened, or at least for the moment ...
Day like any other, they meet in front of the kiosk and go for a walk as usual.
Arrived at half of the trail they are used to take ,they encountered a man dressed in black from top to bottom, with a mini shop, but what was intriguing was that this mini shop offered nothing except one book, black, a note was written on it but the group could not read it due to their distance kept for their safety.
The mysterious man then challenged our group of friends, who made them one of these scares.
-The man: you, yes you, * sigh * come and see
The group of friends then approached the man in question while watching around them if there were no other people hiding to attack them from behind.
David, then the most "imposing" of the group of friends approached first with a suspicious look.
- Man: do you believe in supernatural entities, in hidden entities of this world, most of which refute the existence for assurance?
-David: uh * sigh * I'm an atheist so the answer is obvious
- Man: Even if I proved their existence to you?
The silence then languished.
- The man: so ?
-David: alright go on.
-Man: So take this book, and read the instructions, the game will be very entertaining.
David then looked at what was written on the book and the word "Vuran" could be read, the three friends Rayan, Julia and Lukas were all looking at each other in confusion, mixed between fear and stress. Lukas told David to go away and leave this man with his ideas of supernatural entities, but David was the type of guy to love danger and try new things, so he picked up the book and when it came time to go away, the man called out to them one last time with the chilling words
Man: don't forget to read the rules of the game before starting it, this is the mistake that another group of friends that I knew made, and it did not finish as they thought it would .
These words only encouraged the group of friends to speed up and leave the forest without wasting any time. The band didn't speak to each other the entire ride, but the looks between them made more sense than the lyrics.
Once they get to where the group of friends are used to dispersing, they all start to look at David, with annoyance and disappointment.
-Lukas: throw me this trash David, we have no shortage of problems
-Julia: Lukas is right, you don't know who this man is or what this book can do for you or us.
-Rayan: they are right, this kind of man dressed strangely all in black who appears in the middle of the forest to offer us to read his masterpiece, all that does not have a single grain of meaning.
-David: oh guys stop pretending you know monsters don't exist and this stuff is just a book, stop stressing for nothing.
They then began to move away each, returning home.
As for David, once at home, opened the book that the mysterious man gave him, it was full of satanic signs and writings in language that he could not decipher right now, it was getting late. so he put the book aside and went to sleep.
The day after school, the four friends spend the day together as usual and did not talk about the book of the day, they had forgotten it, until David mentions it.
-David: do you guys remember the book from yesterday that the guy from the forest gave me?
-Rayan: well yes it's not like it happened two years ago.
-David: I opened it last night and it turns out that it is a book written in a language that I do not recognize, there were also a lot of satanic signs on it. it was amazing.
-Julia: but what did he take from keeping such a book?
-Lukas: a fool, that's what he is.
-David: oh are you going to stop for a bit? I was also thinking if we could meet at my place one of these days to decipher what's inside, that could be interesting.
Rayan: * sigh * after all I have nothing to do with my days, I'm up for it.
The other kids pretended not to have heard his proposal, David repeated to himself
David: I see you ignoring my words, see you at my place tomorrow night.
The four friends parted ways to go home.
David returned home, noticed that the book was not where he had put it, obviously it's a classic that we read in scary stories, he did not create a story and told himself that he had simply forgotten where he had put this one.
It is 6 p.m., David's friends are starting to arrive at his place one by one, Julia is late. David then asks him what was the cause of this delay, it is only with the chilling words of this one that everyone is silent.
-Julia: I had a bad meeting, which I thought then to be a simple coincidence , I met the man of the forest who gave you the book, except that this time he was dressed all in white and he kept telling me why we hadn't started playing yet, becoming more and more threatening. Im starting to think that it was a really bad idea to take that book...

To be continued...

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